When are braces really needed?

When are braces really needed? / Health News

Braces: Orthodontic treatment improves the quality of life of patients

Straight teeth are not only beautiful, but also important for your health. To correct misaligned teeth, braces are often used. But how useful is this orthodontic treatment? This is now reported by the Federal Ministry of Health.

Different reasons for crooked teeth

"Why teeth do not just grow and require orthodontics in a child, may have different reasons," writes DAK health on their website. According to the health insurance company, it is usually a mixture of hereditary predisposition and unfavorable habits. "For example, children who have been on pacifiers for many years often develop a frontal open bite more often than their sootherless peers," say the experts. The basis for a successful treatment of crooked teeth is the regular wearing of braces. But how meaningful this orthodontic treatment really is, is controversial. A recent meta-analysis by the IGES Institute on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Health has now shown that the study situation for the benefit of braces is unsatisfactory.

According to health experts, regular braces are the basis for treating slanted teeth. How useful this orthodontic treatment really is, is currently controversial. (Image: jonnysek / fotolia.com)

Improving the quality of life

According to a statement from the Ministry, the study authors in the "Orthodontic Treatment" report conclude that the data basis is currently insufficient to conclusively assess the benefit of orthodontic treatment.

Although it can not be proven that braces reduce morbidity (tooth decay, periodontitis, tooth loss, etc.), it is also not excluded according to IGES.

The authors of the study note that orthodontic treatment improves tooth misalignments as well as patients' quality of life.

In principle, the benefit of a therapy is not assessed by the legislature but by the Federal Joint Committee.

The Federal Ministry of Health (BMG) will discuss further research needs and further recommendations for action with the organizations involved.

Final assessment is not yet possible

The BMG lists in the communication corresponding passages from the study, which show:

1. A final assessment is not possible
"Since only a small number of oral health examinations could be identified that are primarily based on surrogate outcomes, it is not possible to make a conclusive assessment of whether and which long-term effects the applied orthodontic treatment regimen has on oral health."

2. The study situation is incomplete
"Although a large number of studies and documents could be found in the research, the material identified is only of limited use in answering the underlying questions."

3. A patient-relevant benefit (related to morbidity, ie tooth decay, tooth loss, etc.) is not proven. But that does not mean that he does not exist ...
"All in all, the identified studies regarding the diagnostic and therapeutic orthodontic measures do not give any indication of a patient-relevant benefit. This is due in particular to the heterogeneity of the studies in relation to the populations considered, the interventions used and the study designs, and to the fact that morbidity-relevant outcomes such as tooth loss, caries or periodontitis and periodontal disease i. d. R. occur only several years after the treatment and thus require very long observation times. "

4. The quality of life improves after completed orthodontic treatment
"It showed that patients with a completed orthodontic treatment report a higher quality of life than untreated study participants who are currently undergoing orthodontic treatment."

5. Malocclusions are improved by the treatment
"Irrespective of the indices used, the use of orthodontic appliances has shown improvements."

Thus, orthodontics in children does not even necessary

Certain measures can help prevent the need for orthodontics in children.

According to experts, care should be taken to ensure that children do not permanently suck on something or put their teeth between them. "Whether it's the thumb, the pacifier or the bed luff - persistent stooping is detrimental to the development of jaw and teeth," writes DAK-Gesundheit.

"Even a constantly open mouth can cause many dental and general medical problems. Children should try - apart from eating and talking - to keep their mouths closed, "say the experts.

In addition, in the offspring should be paid to the thorough care of the deciduous teeth and the interdental spaces.

"Premature loss of the deciduous teeth can lead to false teeth, as the jaw growth is inhibited and lost the placeholder function for the permanent teeth that lie under the deciduous teeth in the jaw," says the health insurance.

The little ones should get used to brushing their teeth early, preferably from the first baby tooth.

Children can only clean their teeth properly at the end of elementary school. Until then, parents should check or clean.

"But even if you do everything to prevent orthodontics in your child, your child may still need a brace. The genes play a major role and can not be influenced, "said the health insurance company. (Ad)