True or False Can alcohol warm the body?

True or False Can alcohol warm the body? / Health News
Is that really true? Does alcohol warm the body??
A hot tea with rum or a spicy mulled wine during the wintry months: Many people think that you can warm your body in the cold with alcoholic drinks. Is that true??
Is alcohol the solution in cold weather??
The weather is currently extremely unpleasant. Those who are outdoors usually yearn for warmth. Some people think that alcohol is the solution; finally he warms the body. But experts disagree: "Subjective yes, objectively no," said the Berlin general practitioner Stephan Bernhardt in a message from the news agency dpa. Although you get the feeling to be well warmed, but that's only because the alcohol suppresses the sensation of cold, you do not get the cold so with.

Does alcohol warm? Image: Tamas Zsebok - fotolia

Fluid loss due to alcohol
Alcohol also makes you lose more fluids. "When you drink, it's much easier to cool down," says Bernhardt. The expert explained another problem: In strong cold, the vessels close to the arms and legs, as the body heated under extreme conditions, especially the head and the trunk. "By alcohol, these vessels of the periphery go back, and the heat is missing where it would actually be needed at the moment," said the physician.

Natural ways to keep warm
There are many ways to keep warm even on cold days without alcohol. One of the best tips for chilblains is to put on the onion principle. Since hands, feet and head are the essential regions for the regulation of the body temperature, it is important to keep them particularly warm by appropriate clothing. The drinks are delicious teas or a fruit punch. Such hot, non-alcoholic drinks cause the vessels to relax and warm your heart. When it gets too cold, foot baths, spicy food, and exercise can help warm up the limbs. (Ad)