Leg cramps Lots of exercise and magnesium help against pain

Leg cramps Lots of exercise and magnesium help against pain / Health News
Almost everyone knows the problem, when a sudden violent leg cramps roused from sleep. The calf pain is then often so strong that you can not rest for half the night. A diet rich in magnesium and regular exercise can help to prevent such cramps.
Harmless but annoying
Many people hit it regularly: Nocturnal, very jocular leg cramps suddenly startle you out of your sleep. The cramp can sometimes stop for several minutes, so that sleep is initially unthinkable. Most such spasms are harmless but very annoying. As Professor Manfred Schubert-Zsilavecz from the Center for Drug Research, Development and Safety of the Goethe University in Frankfurt in the health magazine "Apotheken Umschau" (1/2016 A) explained, one should "in principle pay attention to a good supply of magnesium for prevention".

Calf Pain: Remedy Motion and Magnesium. 

(Image: chuugo / fotolia.com)

Diet with a lot of magnesium
"We are closer to the lower limit," says the expert. The German Society for Nutrition (DGE) specifies the average adult requirement of 350 milligrams per day. Especially magnesium is contained in whole grain cereals, seeds and nuts

But also in poultry and fish much of it. In addition, magnesium-rich mineral waters can be helpful. Especially with an existing magnesium deficiency sufferers must pay attention to an adequate intake of mineral.

What helps in a calf cramp
A well-tried, fast home remedy for calf pain is to step in and slowly bend the upper body forward. The feet are hip-width and parallel to each other, the heel of one at the level of the toes of the other. This will stretch the calf muscles. This relieves the spasm and relaxes the muscles. As the "Apotheken Umschau" writes, those affected can best resolve a fight by stretching their legs and pulling their feet towards the tibia. It can also help with a stretched leg. For prevention, the report suggests regular exercise, as it stretches and strengthens the muscles. (Ad)