Wachmacher Green tea has more caffeine than coffee

Wachmacher Green tea has more caffeine than coffee / Health News

Wachmacher: Green tea has more caffeine than coffee.

(30.08.2010) To wake up first a coffee. This is what the morning ritual looks like in many households in Germany. The coffee gets the circulation going and makes the start of the day easier. Hardly a coffee drinker is ready to give up his morning dose of caffeine - but they could switch to tea. Because "green tea can exceed the effect of coffee, because the effect of caffeine is particularly good," said the nutritionist Michael Ristow Friedrich Schiller University Jena

The Human Nutrition Specialist also acknowledged some other prejudices about the caffeine content of coffee. For example, "the classic filter coffee, (...) a higher amount of caffeine than drinks based on espresso," said Ristow. Although the concentration in the approximately 25 ml standard espresso cups is higher, but the total amount of caffeine is higher with a cup of filter coffee. The caffeine content is essentially determined by the type and duration of brewing of the coffee.

The situation is similar according to the expert in tea. Ristow especially recommends green tea as a substitute for coffee. This often has a similar caffeine content and also contains catechins, so-called polyphenols plant metabolites, which is said to have a cancer-preventing and anti-inflammatory effect. And which ones "also have a positive effect on brain function and diabetes (...)," Ristow continued. "Health-conscious people drink (...) tea," so they will not have to do without the morning-morning drinker without coffee, the expert concluded. (Fp)

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