Vuvuzela can trigger cysts on the thyroid gland

Vuvuzela can trigger cysts on the thyroid gland / Health News

Vuvuzela can damage hearing and trigger cysts on the thyroid gland.

(07.07.2010) During the Football World Cup many fans are using vuvuzela. But beware: the wind instruments can sustainably damage your health. Because the bladder creates a high pressure in the chest and can lead to blood-filled blisters (cyst on the thyroid gland).

You can hear it everywhere, especially when a goal has been scored. The African wind instrument Vuvuzela is also very popular in Germany. But beware, Vuvuzelas can lastingly endanger your health. Vuvuzelas develop a volume of up to 160 decibels. So Vuvuzela are sometimes louder than chainsaws and thus can sustainably damage the hearing organs. The result can be a lifelong tinitus for sufferers. So a single fanfare thrust is sufficient to cause hearing loss or ear noises, as recently explained by the Hörakustik Professor Eckhard Hoffmann.

But not only the ears can be damaged. The doctor Kerstin Jungheim of the endocrinologist in Frankfurt am Main currently warns that a strong blistering into a vuvuzela can also cause cysts on the thyroid gland. The high pressure around the chest can lead to blood-filled blisters. The doctor had reported a patient who complained after using the instrument about a painful swelling of the throat and discomfort when swallowing. Dr. Jungheim then diagnosed a thyroid cyst. The cyst could be emptied with a needle. But the doctor pointed out that under other circumstances, an operation on the thyroid could be considered. (Sb)

Also read:
WM: hearing damage by vuvuzelas possible
Image: Rike /