Fathers pass on the risk of ovarian cancer to their daughters

Fathers pass on the risk of ovarian cancer to their daughters / Health News

Gene mutation is passed on from fathers to their daughters

Researchers have now identified a new gene mutation that may increase the risk of ovarian cancer. This mutation can only be genetically transmitted from fathers to their daughters, as it is inherited via the X chromosome.

Scientists at the Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center at Buffalo, New York, have discovered a new gene mutation that increases the risk of ovarian cancer in women and is passed on from fathers to their daughters. The physicians published the results of their study in the English-language journal "PLoS Genetics".

Ovarian cancer is diagnosed in affected women usually very late, which often leads to the death of the patients. (Image: freshidea / fotolia.com)

The new gene needs to be better researched

The newly discovered gene (called MAGEC3) and the associated risk are inherited via the so-called X chromosome, independent of other known so-called susceptibility genes that women can already be tested on. The experts explain that further studies are needed to better understand the identity and function of the gene.

Tests can already detect the BRCA gene today

Currently, women with a history of cancer in the family can be tested for the BRCA gene, which greatly increases the chances of a woman developing breast and ovarian cancer. For example, actress Angelina Jolie inherited the BRCA1 gene from her mother. She has undergone a preventive surgery after her doctors estimated that she has a risk of 87 percent for breast cancer and a 50 percent risk for ovarian cancer.

X chromosomes play an important role

The researchers believe that there may be many other cases of seemingly sporadic ovarian cancer that are actually inherited, some of them via the X chromosomes that girls get from their father.

Inherited genes affect the risk of cancer

Ovarian cancers associated with the genes inherited from the father and paternal grandmother led to an earlier age by the disease occurring compared to diseases associated with maternal genes, the researchers report. This can be observed, for example, even at higher rates of prostate cancer among fathers and sons.

Further research is needed

Further research now needs to ensure that physicians have identified the right gene by sequencing more families of genes. The finding has sparked many discussions within the medical community about how to find these gene families, study author Kevin Eng of Complex Cancer Center Roswell Park in Buffalo explains.

Inherited defective genes lead to cancer

A family of three daughters, all of whom have ovarian cancer, will be more likely to be affected by inherited mutations of X chromosomes than BRCA mutations, experts suggest. The current study suggests that the risk of ovarian cancer in some women by the family of her father and the mother can be passed, explain the doctors.

Ovarian cancer is often detected too late

In the future, this could help women with a family history of ovarian cancer to better assess their risk of getting cancer. This is particularly important because ovarian cancer is often diagnosed at a late stage when the disease is already more difficult to treat. These results, if confirmed by further research, would represent a significant advance in the prevention of ovarian cancer and save thousands of lives, researchers hope. (As)