Beware of fragrances in cosmetics

Beware of fragrances in cosmetics / Health News

If you have sensitive skin, you should avoid using perfume cosmetics


Almost every cosmetic product is surrounded by wonderful smelling scents. But just those fragrances can trigger allergic skin reactions in many people. Those who suspect that they have developed an allergy to artificial fragrances can test their compatibility with creams or lotions on the wrist.

If you suffer from sensitive skin, it is best to abstain from cosmetics containing dyes, preservatives and fragrances. Those additives in conventional cosmetic products can cause allergies, as the dermatologist Dr. med. Uta Schlossberger from the Professional Association of German Dermatologists in Berlin explained. If allergic skin reactions occur, it can lead to an itchy scalp, itchy rash, redness and sometimes swelling. According to the doctor, it also happens that not only the skin is affected by complaints, but also adjacent skin areas.

A contact allergy usually only becomes noticeable after one to three days. Many patients sometimes could not remember which care product they used, says the expert. If contact allergy is suspected, the symptoms should be examined by a dermatologist. If it is certain that a particular product is responsible for the skin reactions, this should no longer be used. If it can be determined which exact ingredient is responsible for reactions, it should be avoided at all costs. „For every cosmetic product, the details on the packaging should be carefully checked“.

Whether the product is tolerated can easily be determined with a self-test. The new cosmetics are applied to the wrist joint or in the sensitive arm bend. Serious reactions do not show up immediately, but only after a few hours or days. In order not to falsify the action, the areas should not be washed. If no symptoms are detected after 3 days, the product is considered compatible. (Sb)

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Picture: Naddi Gleim