Resolution for 2017 How the smoke stop works best
Although smoking is known to be associated with significant health risks, in this country still millions of citizens regularly take their cigarettes. Giving up smoking is one of the most frequently heard intentions at the turn of the year. Expert tips help to make it happen.
Smoking favors many serious diseases
Smoking is dangerous for your health. Among other things, tobacco consumption favors twelve types of cancer, such as lung cancer, pancreatic cancer and colorectal cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, atherosclerosis (arteriosclerosis) or the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease COPD.
Around 20 million smokers in Germany
"Smoking is WHO's biggest preventable health risk, WHO estimates. Tobacco use leads to health-related risks and secondary diseases that far exceed the consequences of consuming other addictive substances, "writes the German Center for Addiction Issues (DHS) on tobacco dependence.
Nevertheless, around 20 million smokers still live in Germany. At the turn of the year, some people will probably start to keep their hands off cigarettes in the future, but most people find it very difficult to quit smoking.
Some say that smokers need a strong will to get out of their addiction. Others say cold withdrawal is the best way to stop smoking.
In a message from the news agency dpa, an expert has tips on how to overcome the addiction.
Greed for a cigarette is usually over after three minutes
"The greed for the cigarette takes on average only about three minutes," said Gabriele Bartsch of the DHS opposite the dpa. Therefore, it is important to bridge this time.
The expert recommends, for example, turning on the radio and counting certain words, such as how often the presenter says the word "me" or "he". For distraction can also provide a math problem: "One takes about the number 113 and calculates in 7-steps backwards to zero."
Tips for quitting smoking
Bartsch has other advice: smokers should seek a stress-free time to quit. In case of problems with the partner or in the job, the waiver of cigarettes is more difficult.
It also makes sense to inform friends and relatives and, if necessary, ask them not to smoke in their presence. Bartsch recommends to stop completely, because every other cigarette stimulates the addictive memory again.
Although nicotine patches can facilitate the transition, but they are not a permanent solution. "Nicotine patches keep the ex-smoker physically dependent," warns the expert.
According to scientific studies, e-cigarettes do not help smokers quit. (Ad)