Tanning in the solarium not healthy & helpful

Tanning in the solarium not healthy & helpful / Health News

No protective effect due to tanning in the solarium


Pre-tanning in the solarium has no protective effect on later sunbathing. A study by the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis has shown that tanning on the tanning bed increases the risk of skin cancer altogether, the health portal reports „Health city Berlin“.

In their study, the scientists evaluated the risk of skin cancer in about 2,000 volunteers from Minnesota and looked for possible connections with the visit to the solarium. In the process, they found that the likelihood of skin cancer among solarium users was almost four times higher than that of other subjects - at least among the participants, „who claims to have suffered no sunburn yet“, This is the message of the Berlin Health Portal. Solarium users, who had previously suffered sunburns, showed a 1.4 to 1.8-fold increased skin cancer risk. All in all, pre-tanning in the solarium makes no sense, but rather has a counterproductive effect on the risk of skin cancer.

Differences between sunlight and UV light in solariums
In recent years solariums in Germany have enjoyed a consistently high level of popularity, although dermatologists repeatedly point out the skin-damaging effects of sunbeds. There is also the misconception that a tanned skin in the solarium is then less susceptible to sun rays. Here, the researchers of the University of Minnesota have now shown in their study that the solarium visits unfold any protective effect in later sunbathing. Among other things, this has to do with the fact that artificial sunlight does not correspond to sunlight in its composition. In the solariums, for example, the UV-B content of UV light is filtered out, since it is regarded as a significant risk factor for malignant melanoma (black skin cancer). The tan is going through „the longer-wave and therefore lower-energy UV-A light“ reached, reports the health portal. Although this causes a timely tanning of the skin, but this will last less than with the UV-B light. In addition, a significantly higher UV-A dose is required for the browning, as it occurs in natural radiation. Also, the UVA rays could also cause skin cancer and promote skin aging.

Missing structure of the so-called light calluses
Furthermore, the UV-A rays are not capable of doing so, „the so-called light calluses, a thickening of the uppermost skin layers, build up“, so the message from „Health city Berlin“. This glow of light serves to prevent sunburns, but it is only developed by the contact with UV-B rays, which, however, occur only minimally in the UV light of the solariums. „Skin that has been browned exclusively with UV-A light can still be sunburned in the natural sun - which in turn increases the risk of skin cancer“, reports the health portal. In addition, many solarium users would use less sunscreen due to the imaginary protective effect of pre-tanning during subsequent sunbathing, which additionally increases the risk of sunburn. In the end, the study showed that pre-tanning makes sunburn even more likely and increases the risk of skin cancer many times over.

Every sunbath increases the risk of skin cancer
Basically, according to the authors of the study, every sunbath is a burden on the skin, which is associated with accelerated skin aging and increased skin cancer risk. Anyone who exposes their skin to high levels of UV radiation during their holiday should therefore urgently refrain from attending solarium visits in their home country. A maximum of 50 sunbaths per year are recommended by dermatologists, with the tanning visits included and the different types of skin with varying amounts of direct sunlight. „Under no circumstances should you go to the solarium, who is under 18 years of age, belongs to skin type 1 (fair skin, freckles, blond or red hair, blue or green eyes), has more than 40 liver spots or noticeable liver spots“, reports the Berlin health portal. In addition, this also applies to people who have had sunburn as a child, have a precursor to skin cancer or have already had skin cancer. (Fp)

Picture: manwalk