Whole grains can prevent diabetes

Whole grains can prevent diabetes / Health News

Study: Folk products such as whole wheat rice and wholemeal bread can reduce the risk of developing diabetes.

Up to a third of the diabetes risk can be reduced by using white rice instead of white rice for food preparation. This is what a large-scale scientific study by Harvard Medical School says. Whole foods provide for an even distribution of sugar in the body.

Whole grains such as brown rice, wholemeal bread and wholemeal pasta are useful for a balanced and wholesome diet. As a US study found now, the risk of diabetes can be reduced by up to a third at the same time. Because wholegrain products have the property to ensure a uniform and slower sugar supply. This positive trait can reduce the risk of developing type II diabetes. In diabtes, blood sugar metabolism is out of balance, causing diabetes to break out.

White rice increases the risk of diabetes, while brown rice reduces the risk of disease.
In the study of the "Harvard Medical School", the researchers took the eating behavior of 200,000 people under the microscope. The study was mainly about the consumption of rice. The influence of white husked and brown unpeeled rice was investigated. In the analysis, three large studies were evaluated. The focus of the scientists was the diabetes risk. Further risk factors for type II diabetes of the subjects were included in the calculation. Based on this analysis, the scientists found that people who ate more than five times a week during the week ate 150 grams of white rice, a significantly higher risk of diabetes than people who eat only one portion per week. The risk for this group rose by 17 percent. The exact opposite was caused by the consumption of unpeeled brown rice. Those who consumed two servings of brown rice a week reduced their diabetes risk by a whopping 11 percent.

However, most people prefer to eat white rice for taste reasons. The study is also a good indication for these people. Exchanging only a third of white rice with brown rice can permanently reduce the risk of disease by 16 percent. Just mix the white with the brown rice. However, who in the future completely renounces the white rice and converts to wholemeal alternatives, can reduce his Diabtes risk by about 36 percent.

Wholefood products are healthy.
Study director Qu Sun advises, however, prefer to switch wholeheartedly to whole-grain products. Because the shelled variant lacks important minerals, vitamins and fiber. Because white rice can be digested faster by the body, the starch is converted into sugar more quickly. The blood sugar level jumps up, unlike the healthier wholegrain products. "We think it would help lower the risk of Type 2 diabetes, replacing white rice and other processed grains with whole grains, including brown rice." So study director Qu Sun. As the digestive process for whole foods takes longer, a feeling of hunger reappears much later. Thus, whole-grain products also ensure a leaner line. (sb, 15.06.2010)

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Image: Dieter Schütz.