Avian flu Another case in the Netherlands

Avian flu Another case in the Netherlands / Health News

Avian flu: Another case in the Netherlands


In the Netherlands, another case of bird flu has been discovered. It is already the fifth in the neighboring country. Which variant it is, is not yet clear. In Germany, the bird flu pathogen H5N8 has been detected in recent weeks.

Already fifth bird flu case in the Netherlands
In the Netherlands, another case of bird flu has been detected at a poultry farm. This is evident from a message from the news agency dpa. According to this, the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs announced on Sunday that the approximately 28,000 animals are killed at the farm in Zoeterwoude near The Hague. It is already the fifth case of bird flu in the Netherlands. It is still unclear whether this is the very contagious variant of the virus. The ministry expects the results of tests earlier this week. Within a radius of ten kilometers around the contaminated farm, the authorities imposed a ban on transport.

Picture: 2 Aka

Virus subtype detected in Germany
In Germany, the bird flu virus H5N8 was detected in recent weeks. The virus subtype detected in a wild duck in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania previously appeared only in Asia. In the past, especially the variants H7N9 and H5N1 have proved to be dangerous. When people become infected, symptoms of avian influenza often appear only after weeks. These are usually similar to those of a conventional flu and it comes to fever, cough, sore throat or shortness of breath. In rare cases, diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting may occur. (Ad)