Vitamins and trace elements What the hair really needs

Vitamins and trace elements What the hair really needs / Health News

Hair gets finer and drier with age - what you can do then

Even with people who had shiny, full hair at a young age, it often does not stay healthy in old age that the mane clears and loses its shine. The older you get, the finer and drier your hair will usually be. In addition, they often fail. But there is a lot that can be done about it.

When the magnificent mane gets old

Many young people are often proud of their full and strong hair. But even the most magnificent mane comes at some point in the years. With increasing age, hair not only becomes finer and drier, it also becomes more pronounced. When the hair becomes lighter, the self-confidence also suffers. Although all kinds of shampoos and supplements are offered to stop hair loss, but actually bring something?

Even the most magnificent mane comes sometime in the years. With increasing age, hair not only becomes finer and drier, it also becomes more pronounced. On the other hand, something can be done. (Image: cunaplus /

Men are more affected by hair loss than women

That hair fall out, is quite normal. According to experts, humans lose up to 100 hair every day. If these do not grow again, it is called permanent hair loss.

Circular hair loss (alopecia areata) is one of the most common forms. Men are affected more frequently than women.

The causes of hair loss are manifold. For example, it can be caused by iron deficiency or thyroid disease (both hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism).

Even skin diseases such as eczema, psoriasis or fungal infections as well as the side effects of medication can lead to hair loss.

However, thinning hair is often due neither to a disease nor to a deficiency, but due to the plant.

Regrowth of head hair

For those affected it is usually difficult or impossible to stop the hair loss.

Scientists are constantly looking for new therapies to help with hair loss.

Just last year, researchers from the US reported on a new remedy that has proven to be very successful at regrowing hair.

Other medicines have been available in pharmacies for some time. These, however, often have enormous side effects and sometimes can even cause years of impotence.

Drugs for hair loss was originally intended for hypertension

Although some shampoos or tinctures from the drugstore promise to sprout the hair again, but:

"A clear scientific and clinical evidence for this, however, there is usually not," said the Bonn dermatologist and hair expert Prof. Gerhard Lutz in a message from the news agency dpa. The same applies to scalp massages.

According to the experts, genetically caused hair loss can still stop or even stop, through the regular, external use of the drug Minoxidil.

This medicine was originally intended for the treatment of hypertension. However, when the product was used it turned out that it also led to increased hair growth.

"In many, but by no means in all cases, even a cosmetically acceptable growth of the hair could be observed," according to dpa Lutz.

Hair gets drier in old age

In old age, however, hair loss often does not occur. As the scalp produces less sebum, hair becomes drier.

In such cases, one should rely on natural hair care or mild shampoos.

"In many products are already containing nourishing substances," said Antonio Weinitschke, Aachen hairdressing master of the Central Association of the German hairdressing, in the dpa message.

As a home remedy for dry hair is in extreme cases also, before going to bed castor oil into the hair and let it work overnight, so Ursula Hilpert-Mühlig from the Association of German Naturopaths.

Vitamins and trace elements

"Decisive for healthy hair growth, however, is that it is also supplied with appropriate vitamins and trace elements from the inside," added Lutz in the agency message.

In this context, biotin (vitamin H) is important. It supports the production of keratin, a protein from which hair and nails predominate. Biotin is found in spinach, egg yolk, nuts or mushrooms.

As a home remedy for healthy and shiny hair are also iron, which is contained for example in almonds and pistachios, zinc and selenium. The body needs these substances for the hair to sprout up.

"Deficiencies increase the risk that the hair looks dull and brittle and fails," said Lutz. Therefore, in addition to care tailored to the hair, a balanced diet is a must. (Ad)