Vitamin D3 is twice as effective in increasing vitamin levels as vitamin D2

In a recent study, researchers looked at low doses of vitamin D in fortified foods to find out which of the two types of vitamin D (vitamin D2 or vitamin D3) is more effective at absorbing the vital nutrient.
Researchers at the University of Surrey found that vitamin D3 is much more effective in increasing the vitamin D level in the human body than vitamin D2. The doctors published a press release on the results of their study.

Experts examined 335 female volunteers
The human body needs vitamin D. Researchers have now tried to find out which form of vitamin D is most effective for us. Vitamin D3 comes from animal products. Vitamin D2, on the other hand, comes from plants. For their current study, the experts examined the vitamin D levels of 335 South Asian and European women over two consecutive winter periods. It is known that during this time the nutrient is often missing in the body. The women were divided into five groups during the investigation. Each group received either a placebo, a juice containing vitamin D2 or D3, or a cookie containing vitamin D2 or D3, say the authors.
Vitamin D3 twice as effective as vitamin D2?
The researchers found that vitamin D3 was twice as effective as vitamin D2 in increasing the levels of the vitamin in the body. The level of vitamin D in women who received vitamin D3 via juice or biscuit increased by 75 percent. When the subjects received the vitamin D2, the vitamin D levels increased by 34 percent, say the doctors. When the participants received the placebo, they experienced a 25 percent reduction in the vitamin over the same period.
Recommendations from government agencies need to be revised
The current recommendation from a number of government agencies worldwide (including the US National Institute of Health) states that the two forms of vitamin D are equivalent and can be used on an equal footing. This must now be corrected according to researchers
Negative effects can be prevented by the intake of vitamin D3
In the UK, more than one in five people are suffering from vitamin D deficiency, the doctors explain. The daily consumption of products containing vitamin D3 but no vitamin D2 will allow the population to consume enough vitamin D. To avoid negative health effects such as osteoporosis, rickets and an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, the authors add.
Results will have an impact on retail
The current findings have not only implications for the health sector, but also for the retail sector. In recent years, many retailers have added vitamin D2 to their product range. The current study, however, now provides evidence that vitamin D3 is most effective at increasing vitamin D levels in the body, the researchers say.
It is sometimes not easy to get enough vitamin D by the sun
The importance of vitamin D in our body should not be underestimated, explains author Dr. Laura Tripkovic from the University of Surrey. In the UK it is very difficult to get enough vitamin D through the natural source (the sun). So we have to supplement this deficiency with our diet, says the expert.
Vitamin D improves long-term health
However, our results show that vitamin D3 is twice as effective as vitamin D2 in increasing vitamin D levels in the body, says the doctor. When people ingest vitamin D3 with fish, eggs, or supplements, they are twice as likely to increase their vitamin D levels, compared to people who consume foods containing vitamin D2. This could improve the long-term health of those affected, explains the researcher.
Results will revolutionize the view of health authorities
This is a very exciting discovery that will revolutionize the view of health authorities and retailers about vitamin D, said Professor Susan Lanham-New of the University of Surrey. Vitamin D deficiency is a serious matter and the new results will hopefully help people make the right decision to improve their vitamin D levels, the scientist adds. (As)