Vitamin B harmful in diabetes?

Vitamin B harmful in diabetes? / Health News

Vitamin B promotes nephropathy in diabetes

Canadian scientists report in the scientific journal JAMA that vitamin B can worsen existing kidney disease in diabetics. The researchers came to this knowledge through a recent study.

(29.04.2010) Canadian scientists report in the scientific journal JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association) that B-vitamins could aggravate existing nephropathy (kidney disease) in diabetics. The researchers came to the realization by a now submitted study. The study involved 200 subjects with type I and II diabetes. The study was designed to investigate whether B-vitamins could curb kidney disease in diabetics and reduce the incidence of cardiovascular events. Patients were followed for three years and given vitamin B (folic acid, vitamin B6, vitamin B12) complexes. A subject control group was given so-called Placebos for study comparison.

But the researchers would not have expected the results. It was found that renal filtration and activity of vitamin B-treated diabtes patients decreased more rapidly than those taking placebo. In addition, the risk of a heart attack and stroke doubled. The Canadian scientists now explicitly warn against taking vitamin B complexes in kidney disease. For further treatment, patients should contact their doctor immediately. (Sb)

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