Vitamin A in animal feed prevents cow's milk allergy

Vitamin A in animal feed prevents cow's milk allergy / Health News

Vitamin A for cows as a help against milk allergy

According to health experts, around six million people suffer from a food allergy in Germany alone. Among the main triggers in infants and children is cow's milk. Researchers from Austria have now found that the allergic reactions could be prevented by sufficient vitamin A in animal feed.

More and more people are suffering from a food allergy

Food allergies have been increasing for many years. According to estimates by the German Allergy and Asthma Association (DAAB), around six million people are affected in Germany alone. Cow's milk is one of the main causes of food allergy in infants and children, according to the experts. Although cow's milk allergy usually declines until adulthood, it increases the risk of other allergic diseases. As a study of Austrian researchers now showed, the allergic reactions could be prevented by sufficient vitamin A in animal feed.

Up to five percent of children in Europe suffer from a true milk allergy. The allergic reactions could be prevented, according to a new study by sufficient vitamin A in animal feed. (Image: Jenny Sturm /

Cow's milk allergy usually sounds down to adulthood

The question of whether milk is healthy or harmful, has been hotly debated among experts for years.

Although there are studies that conclude that milk is healthy because it can protect against the presence of calcium, among other things from osteoporosis.

However, there are also studies that suggest that milk may benefit from conditions such as asthma or diabetes.

In addition, some infants develop a cow's milk allergy, which usually subsides until adulthood, but increases the risk of other allergic diseases.

Allergic reaction can be prevented

However, the allergic reaction can already be prevented by the good interaction of two milk components.

This was shown by a study by the interuniversity Messerli Research Institute of Vetmeduni Vienna, the MedUni Vienna and the University of Vienna.

Combine the important milk protein Bos d 5, also beta-lactoglobulin, and the vitamin A metabolite retinoic acid in cow's milk, the immune system is not active against the protein.

The results of the study were recently published in the scientific journal "Scientific Reports".

Up to five percent of children have a true milk allergy

According to a communication from the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, there is a true allergy to milk in about three to five percent of children in Europe, and less often in adults.

In contrast to lactose intolerance (lactose intolerance), which is often confused with the disease and in which only milk sugar is poorly digested by the missing enzyme lactate, in this case the immune system itself reacts with a defense mechanism against milk proteins.

The formation of special immune cells that produce antibodies against the milk proteins and thus trigger a potentially much more dangerous allergic reaction.

The Austrian researchers have now shown that this can prevent the components of cow's milk itself.

The key is that the milk protein beta-lactoglobulin, which is relevant for allergic reactions, is the source of retinoic acid, a metabolite of vitamin A, in your pocket.

For this, however, the sufficient supply of cows with the vitamin, such as through much green fodder, must be guaranteed.

Body's defense against milk proteins

If infants become allergic to cow's milk, their body uses Th2 lymphocytes to form special immune cells that produce antibodies that act as a body's defense against milk proteins.

One of the most important of these so-called milk allergens is the protein Bos d 5 or beta-lactoglobulin. This belongs to the protein family of lipokalins.

"This special family of proteins has molecular pockets that are small molecules, just as retinoic acid, which is a metabolite of vitamin A, can take up," says first author Dr. Karin Hufnagl.

"Our studies showed that the" empty "milk protein supports the activation of Th2 lymphocytes and thus initiates an allergic reaction chain," says Hufnagl.

However, if the retinoic acid is in the pocket, so to speak, then the immune cells react moderately, without an allergic immune reaction.

"Adequate loading of the milk protein could thus prevent the sensitization of toddlers or adults and a milk allergy," summed up study leader Erika Jensen-Jarolim.

Effects of cow's milk allergy

Milk and, above all, cow's milk, according to the researchers, are essentially essential foods for most people.

For allergy sufferers, however, it represents a risk as it can cause next to mouth or mucous membrane swelling, diarrhea or the worsening of atopic dermatitis.

The latter is also the reason why health experts advise sufferers to significantly limit dairy products.

Some sufferers also suffer from abdominal pain after consuming cows' milk, skin reactions such as wheals, flatulence and tiredness.

In rare cases, cow's milk can also cause an allergic shock. In addition, cow's milk allergy carries the risk of other allergic diseases, such as atopic dermatitis or allergic asthma

Increased gift of green fodder

"An adequate supply of vitamin A to milk producers, ie cows, could counteract this effect of possibly converting a harmless food protein into a milk allergen," says Hufnagl.

However, it is questionable whether the positive effect of vitamin A shown in the study can also be achieved through food supplements.

"The artificial supplementation of the diet with vitamins may not achieve the same effect as natural ingredients and will likely result in inadequate loading of the milk allergen," said the researcher.

"It therefore applies vitamin A already in the attitude or feeding to feed the animals to an appropriate extent. This can be achieved, for example, by increased use of green fodder. However, corresponding follow-up studies still have to be carried out. "(Ad)