Many unknown but dangerous bacteria in the kitchen

Many unknown but dangerous bacteria in the kitchen / Health News
Germs in the kitchen: Campylobacter barely known
Only one in five consumers knows the pathogen Campylobacter. He is now in Germany before Salmonella, the most common bacterial pathogens of intestinal infections, informs the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) in the current consumer monitor. For this regular survey, about 1,000 persons aged 14 and over are interviewed. The BfR consumer monitor should show how the Germans assess health risks. It is of particular interest whether the public perception deviates from the scientific assessment and one must communicate more and better about risks.

Bacteria in the domestic kitchen. (Image: Alexander Raths /

More than half of Germans trust the state authorities in the protection of health. A large part continues to be convinced of the safety of the food offered. When consumers are specifically asked about possible health risks, they mainly mention salmonella (95%), genetically modified foods (92%), antibiotic resistance (89%) and pesticide residues in food (87%). Eighty-two percent of those polled knew of mold toxins and 69 percent each of mineral oils and microplastics in food. After all, 67 percent is aware that aluminum can be released from meal trays. Other risks that are relevant to health, however, are often underestimated. These include pyrrolizidine alkaloids in teas and honey, of which only 26 percent of respondents have heard. Few people are concerned about risks such as household hygiene (17%) and Campylobacter in food (11%).

Especially with Campylobacter but a higher attention value is appropriate. Because the consumer can minimize the health risk. This pathogen may, for example, occur in poultry meat and raw milk that are not heated sufficiently. In the processing of poultry meat in the household is to pay particular attention to hygiene: poultry always durchgaren. Clean all kitchen utensils that come into contact with raw poultry thoroughly with hot water and detergent or in the dishwasher at least 60 degrees Celsius. And always wash hands thoroughly. Heike Kreutz, bzfe