Many pesticides Black tea contaminated with carcinogenic substances

Many pesticides Black tea contaminated with carcinogenic substances / Health News
Harmful pesticides found in several black tea brands
Many Germans love tea. The average per capita consumption in Germany in 2015 was 28 liters of black and green tea. 70 percent of it was black tea. However, a test now revealed that almost all tested brands contain harmful substances.

Harmful substances
Only a few days ago, a warning was announced before chamomile tea, which is loaded with carcinogenic substances. Now, a test of the ZDF magazine "WISO" has shown that even in black tea harmful substances are included. Earlier research, such as Stiftung Warentest, found that black tea is often contaminated.

The ZDF magazine "WISO" has determined in a test of various black tea brands that all products contain residues of pesticides. (Image: PhotoSG /

Residues of pesticides
"Tea is more popular in Germany than ever! The average per capita consumption in this country in 2015 was 28 liters of black and green tea. 70 percent of them were black tea, "ZDF writes on its website.

The ZDF magazine "WISO" has now sampled six black teas from different manufacturers in an accredited laboratory for plant protection products. It showed that all products contain residues of pesticides. According to the information, at least four different pesticides were found in all tested teas.

Residues of ten different pesticides
"In the negative leader (Eilles Assam Special), the lab even found residues of ten different pesticides," the statement says.

However, no limit values ​​were exceeded for the individual substances. From the J.J. Darboven GmbH & Co. KG were emphasized in a statement to "WISO" that the product "complies with European legislation, in particular food law".

In addition, anthraquinone has been detected in five of the six products, a substance used inter alia to repel birds after sowing and is no longer authorized in the EU because of the risk to users and consumers. Anthraquinone is considered by experts to be carcinogenic.

Just a tea without carcinogenic substance
The tea of ​​the private label of the Lidl discounter with a content of 0.02 mg / kg according to laboratory findings was exactly on the permissible limit and was therefore just barely tradable.

The discount chain emphasized in a statement that the raw materials used were examined individually. In the context of these investigations "no legally relevant value for Anthrachinon was determined". Only in the Ostfriesen Teefix of teapot the laboratory found no anthraquinone.

The ZDF magazine "WISO" reports on the black tea test in the program on Monday, 23 January 2017, 19:25. (Ad)