Many adolescents are plagued by fears about the future

Many adolescents are plagued by fears about the future / Health News
Terror, diseases, pollution: What young people are afraid of
"Today, adolescents have a lot easier," say some older people and say teenagers do not have to worry much. But the future scares many young people. That is normal, according to experts. But when worries get out of hand, action should be taken.

Fears of people are changing
For years, there have been reports of shifts in German fears. These are influenced, among other things, by worldwide developments and events. For example, more people express fear of war, terrorist attacks or economic crises when they are taking place or have taken place somewhere. The fears of young people still in adolescence are also shifting over the decades. Political issues such as terror, pollution - especially the pollution of drinking water and other resources - are examples that young people are afraid of today. This explained Klaus Hurrelmann according to a message from the news agency dpa. The Professor of Public Health and Education at the Hertie School of Governance in Berlin is an expert in youth research.

Many young people are suffering from fears about the future. Picture: luna - fotolia

Formative events in youth
Although such issues sound very abstract at first, Hurrelmann finds these fears not irrational: "They reflect key experiences of Generation Y." For this generation were the attacks of September 11, 2001 or the nuclear disaster in Fukushima during her youth between 2000 and today formative events. Fears of a personal nature come second for many. This can be, for example, the fear of serious illness or the loss of an important person. Only then come economic worries. "Two to three years ago, the topic of job security was even more present, but has now subsided."

Even at school, much is demanded from young people
The managing director of the association "Number against grief" in Wuppertal, Rainer Schütz, has to do in his daily work above all with concrete future worries. According to Schütz, this free hotline for teenagers often focuses on fears of possible pregnancies and school problems. The graduate social scientist advises always acting on such concrete fears for the future. "If you had unprotected sex, you should get a quick overview with a test." Because: "Fiddling around with them usually only makes them worse." It can also help to confide in a friend or relative with their fears for the future.

"Storytelling is a good way to sort out your worries and needs and distinguish between well-founded and unfounded fears," says the expert. The elbow society also presents adolescents with problems. Only recently a survey showed: One in five adolescents in Germany unfortunately under stress. Even at school, performance is required to be prepared for the fight for the best jobs later on. Often the parents also put pressure on this. "The hunt for good grades is the rational way to respond to these demands," says Hurrelmann. Those who fail to do so can even face psychological problems in extreme cases because of the fears of the future.

Physical effects of anxiety
Acute fear of the future can also be felt physically. "Tension, constant inner restlessness, problems with sleep are possible consequences of fears," said Christiane Wempe, developmental psychologist at the University of Mannheim to the dpa. She emphasized that fear is not a negative feeling. "Fears are only considered a mental disorder if they significantly affect daily life." Affected people are usually downright paralyzed in their actions. "They then fail to make their education to an end." Are the fears of the future out of hand, you should to be helped. In addition to counseling centers at universities and schools, looking at the internet can make sense here. "Young men in particular have inhibitions about being entrusted to others," said the psychologist.

Wempe explained, young people can first orient themselves in the network and explore aid offers. However, with some tension, an expert does not have to be switched on immediately. Often sports can help here. Also relaxation exercises for stress relief such as yoga are recommended. But alcohol and drugs are a clear no-go. "That's just problem solving for a brief moment. After that, the worries return stronger, "warned Wempe.

No fear of failure
Rainer Schütz advises on calmness when thinking of the personal future. The young people should not be afraid to try themselves. And no fear of failure. "Errors are part of it. They can also be a chance for something new. "Wempe said, however, that some anxiety about the future is sometimes even useful. "This can be used to activate an extra dose of energy." This may then help in exams and other challenges such as a job interview. Fear of the future is normal in adolescence. "It is part of the life cycle," says Hurrelmann.

"Family, school, society. All of this is critically eyed. "Since adolescents tend to project perceived problems and their consequences on themselves, such observations quickly scare. The expert also has a small consolation to the conclusion: "With increasing age, fears of the future fade again." (Ad)