Much more antibiotics in the animal's mast

Much more antibiotics in the animal's mast / Health News

Federal Ministry of Agriculture suspects higher antibiotic use in animal feeders than previously thought


In factory farming, more antibiotics are used than previously thought. The Federal Ministry of Agriculture is now counting on this. Exact studies will be published by the Ministry next week. It is already becoming apparent that antibiotics are being used in an inflationary manner in animal feed.

„Without antibiotics, keeping animals in animal husbandry facilities would not be possible“, says Engelbert Friedrich, animal rights activist from Hannover. Because the animals grow up crowded and infectious diseases can spread rapidly, the fattening farms are constantly feeding higher doses of antibiotic drugs. „Most animals would not otherwise experience the day of slaughter“, warns the animal rights activist. Now also acknowledges the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, that antibiotics in large quantities and especially in ever higher doses of the fattening animals are administered, as previously thought.

The level of antibiotics seems to be much greater, with serious health consequences for consumers. „Up to now, estimates of nationwide assumed about 780 tonnes of antibiotics, which are administered every year in animal husbandry“, explained a spokesman for the ministry in Berlin. But now let's assume, „that the amount actually used is even higher.“

For the first time, drug traffic is being reviewed
The ministry spokesman refers in his statements to an evaluation of nationwide circulated veterinary medicines. For the first time, the ministry is investigating drug trafficking to gain more insight into the use of antibiotics in animal husbandry. The study will also show in which federal states antibiotic drugs are used particularly frequently. „At the moment we are still evaluating the data at the Federal Office for Food Safety and Consumer Protection“, so the speaker. In the coming week then first study results should be available and be announced to the public.

Actually, the remedies should only be used if the animals are ill. For a long time, it has been forbidden to use the drugs for rapid rearing. But some studies have already shown that antibiotics are used on a massive scale in fattening animals. The administration of antibiotics in poultry farms seems to be particularly high, as a NDR research has shown. The focus is on federal states where many farms are located.

Antibiotic resistance fears
A danger to humans exists because traces of antibiotics are absorbed into the human body through the consumption of pork. In addition, consumers can consume bacteria that have already formed resistance. This in turn means that in serious bacterial diseases antibiotics no longer strikes.

In the opinion of the black-yellow federal government, it can also be harmful to agriculture. Antibiotic residues are excreted by the animals. The contaminated feces could get into the soil, into waters and thus also into the groundwater. Therefore, the ministry will become one „increased attention with regard to the possible formation of resistance by spreading manure“ make. It is possible that fragments of antibiotics are also taken up by crops.

Legislation should be tightened
Politicians now want to react to the dangers. The Federal Consumer Protection Minister Ilse Aigner (CSU) has announced that the legal situation regarding the pharmaceuticals law in animal mast will be significantly tightened, so that the use of antibiotics „is kept to a minimum.“ For example, the content of the proposed legislation is a restriction of the powers of veterinarians. Veterinarians should be allowed to prescribe the drugs in the future only within very narrow limits. In addition, the administered doses and the application time „more strictly“ become. If antibiotics are administered which are also intended for humans, they should only be prescribed beyond the authorization under special conditions, such as in other animal species.

Nationwide database for veterinary use
In addition, the Ministry of Agriculture is planning to set up a nationwide database so that the state authorities can get an overview of veterinary drug use in the individual regions. That serve „a better control“ so the hope of the minister. „The federal government sets the legal framework for this, and the Länder are responsible for monitoring the companies on site“, said the ministry spokesman. If farms are using excessive amounts of antibiotics, they should be prescribed by law a lower dose rate in the future.

The Greens demand a quick change of the drug law. The agricultural policy spokesman of the Greens, Friedrich Ostendorff demanded that the animals may be treated only in case of illness with antibiotics. In addition, only the single animal and not the entire mast should receive medicines. According to Hubert Weiger, Chairman of the Federal Government for the Environment and Nature Conservation (BUND), the animal industry endangers the health of the entire population. They have the antibiotic use at all under control, said the environmentalists. (Sb)

Also read:
Massive use of antibiotics in farm animals
Health: Chicken full of antibiotics
Antibiotics contaminated chicken
Health: Chicken full of antibiotics

Picture: Nico Lubaczowski