Much World Cup on TV is unhealthy

Much World Cup on TV is unhealthy / Health News

Increased mortality due to excessive TV consumption


Anyone sitting in front of the TV every day has an increased risk of dying sooner. This is confirmed by several studies. For example, the risk of mortality from watching TV every hour is expected to increase by four percent per day if watching television regularly over several years. With regard to cardiovascular risk factors, the mortality rates increase by as much as seven percent. Experts advise soccer fans during the World Cup not only to watch sports on TV, but also to move themselves sufficiently.

Lots of football on TV does not increase your own activity
Anyone who has seen all matches of the World Cup on TV has spent about 250 hours in front of the screen in recent weeks - sitting and possibly with beer and chips. That this can not be healthy, every football fan should be clear. Nevertheless, many sports enthusiasts prefer the TV rather than the sports field. This has been proven by studies. Thus, watching sports on television does not lead to more personal activity. In a recent British investigation, the opposite effect was even demonstrated. „Those who consume daily sports on television have a 40 percent increased risk of being obese compared to those who watch sports on television at most once a week. Even if they were equally active in sports and even if they watched many other programs on television, "Thomas Dorner from the Center for Public Health of the Med-Uni Vienna explains to the news agency „APA“.

Too long sitting in front of the TV damages your health
Physicians have been appealing to people for decades to move more. According to WHO recommendations, adults should be physically active for at least 150 minutes per week or exercise for around 20 minutes per day.

„Even if you stick to the recommended level of physical activity, prolonged sitting has a negative effect on metabolic parameters and on your health, "says Dorner. „Long periods of sitting, in the workplace, in front of the TV or in cars increase the risk of premature mortality. Physical activity, on the other hand, has multiple effects on many physiological and morphological parameters. "Thus, physical activity increases metabolic rate of metabolism, has a positive effect on high blood pressure and cholesterol, and reduces body fat mass, not least obesity and obesity.

On the other hand, in case of physical inactivity, blood triglyceride concentration increases, reducing the blood glucose level „good cholesterol“ (HDL cholesterol) and changes in the cardiovascular system. As a result, the legs are less perfused, the blood pressure increased and the arterial vessels constrict. „All this in combination explains the significantly increased mortality risk, "explains the expert and advises all football fans: „It would be important to use every opportunity for physical activity. This would be the perfect time in the summer and after the World Cup.“ (Ag)

Image: Timo Klostermeier