Apply a lot of built-up cornea cream to the care every day

Apply a lot of built-up cornea cream to the care every day / Health News
Lack of care can lead to painful injuries
Everyone usually has calluses under their feet - one more, the other less. This forms a very natural protection of the skin from pressure and friction from the outside. But if the feet are not properly maintained, this function may be lost and the cornea may even lead to health problems instead.
Cornea acts as a shield against external influences
Cornea is actually something quite normal, because as the outermost layer of our skin (stratum corneum) it is a kind of "shield" against external influences. Normally, this layer is relatively thin. However, e.g. the heels on the feet mechanically irritated, the cornea is strengthened to protect the affected areas from pressure and friction. A sensible process that can also have negative consequences. The thicker the cornea, the more inflexible it becomes. If the proper care of the feet, then painful calluses or corns can form, explains Sebastian Tröger of the Central Association of Podiatrists and Chiropodists of Germany in conversation with the news agency "dpa".

Also, the cornea on the feet needs care. (Image: pathdoc /

Only the trained podiatrist may perform healing activities
"If the moisture content of the cornea is too low, it can tear deep," warns the medical chiropodist. The cracks could in case of emergency, bacteria, viruses and fungi penetrate and cause an infection. To avoid injuries, the feet should therefore be creamed daily with urea-containing care products, recommends Sebastian Tröger. To remove excess cornea offer a pumice stone or a special file, with a self-treatment is effective only in lighter cases. "If you have severe cornifications, you will not be able to manage that," continues Tröger.

To treat corns or torn corneas expertly, according to the expert, the "medical pedicurist" or "podiatrist" is the right address. Here, however, it is important to look closely: Because the protected profession of the podiatrist is easy to confused with the job title "medical foot care". However, this is more likely to be a pedicure in which medical practice is precluded and therefore, e.g. under no circumstances may work on inflammatory sites.

Lemon and marigold ointment help naturally
In addition, various home remedies, such as creaming with deer's ointment or marigold ointment, can be helpful in removing the cornea. Lemon slices can also help to get rid of thick corneas. Footbaths have also proven themselves. It should be noted, however, that the temperature of the water is not too hot and is not bathed for more than twenty-five minutes. Suitable additives are e.g. Sea salt, fruit vinegar, tea tree oil or calcium fluoratum from the area of ​​Schüssler salts.

In diabetes, the self-treatment on the feet is taboo
Special care should be taken by the experts for people with diabetes and it is therefore essential to leave the pedicure to a specialist. Because of the reduced blood flow or damaged nerves, pain in the feet are usually no longer perceptible. Patients often notice injuries too late, which can quickly lead to inflammation and infection. (No)