Video games good for brain development

Video games make individual brain areas grow
Who thought video games hit the brain, was wrong. Indeed, a recent study by the Max Planck Institute for Human Development and the Charité Psychiatric University Hospital at the St. Hedwig Hospital concludes that video games even increase brain areas that are important for spatial orientation, memory formation, strategic thinking, and fine motor skills. Thus, video games can positively affect the development of the brain. The researchers hope that the observed positive effect could also be effective in the treatment of mental disorders.
In the name of science, the researchers let the adult study participants watch the video game for 30 minutes every day for 30 minutes „Super Mario 64“ play. At the same time they observed the effects of video games on the structure of the brain using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Here it was shown in comparison to the control group „in the video game subjects an enlargement of some areas of the gray matter in which the cell bodies of the nerve cells of the brain are located“, reports the Max Planck Institute.
Altered brain structures in video games
The observed effect in the brain of the video game subjects was, according to the researchers „the more pronounced, the more fun the subjects had while playing.“ The enlargement of the gray matter included the right hippocampus, the prefrontal cortex and parts of the cerebellum. „These brain areas are of central importance for, among other things, spatial orientation, memory formation, strategic thinking and the fine motor skills of the hands“, This is the message of the Max Planck Institute. Earlier studies, according to the study director Simone Kühn from the Department of Developmental Psychology of the Max Planck Institute for Educational Research already „suggest altered brain structures in video players“, However, they could not clearly prove this. With the current study, it has now been able to demonstrate a direct relationship between the game and a volume increase. This prove, „that certain brain regions can be specifically trained by video games“, continue like that.
Video games as a therapy?
The scientists conclude that video games could be used specifically for the treatment of diseases in which the corresponding brain regions are changed. This is „For example, in mental disorders such as schizophrenia, post-traumatic stress disorder or neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's dementia the case.“ Therefore, further studies should take a closer look at the effects of video games in people with mental disorders. „Many patients will accept video games sooner than other medical interventions“, this is the hope of co-author Jürgen Gallinat of the Psychiatric University Hospital of the Charité in the St. Hedwig Hospital. The therapeutic use of video games is according to the Max Planck Institute „currently in a study on post-traumatic stress disorder“ proven.
No general recommendation for video games
The frequent doubts expressed in the past about the negative effects of video games on brain development have been disproved by the current investigation. However, it does not appear that the lack of movement in video games can in turn have a negative effect on the general health of those affected. Anyway, many young adults in Germany tend to lack of physical activity. A general recommendation for increased video games can therefore by no means be deduced from the results of the current study of the Max Planck Institute. (Fp)
Image: Sarah Grazioli