Supply of vaccines sufficiently secured in Germany

Supply of vaccines sufficiently secured in Germany / Health News

Vaccines: Supply of the German population is ensured

In recent years, delivery bottlenecks for important vaccines in Germany had been reported in part. Currently, the population in this country but well supplied with vaccines. This is pointed out by the Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEI), Federal Institute for Vaccines and Biomedical Drugs.

Protection against infectious diseases

Vaccinations are a very effective remedy for various infectious diseases. Which vaccinations are recommended is determined in Germany by the Standing Vaccination Commission (STIKO) at the Robert Koch Institute (RKI). In the past, some vaccines were not sufficiently available in the German market. But currently the population in this country is well supplied.

Although supply shortages of important vaccines have been reported in the past, according to experts, the German population is well supplied with such resources. (Image: Production Perig /

Population is well supplied with vaccines

"The population in Germany is well supplied with vaccines," says Prof. Klaus Cichutek, President of the Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEI), the current availability of vaccines.

"Providing the population with vaccines must of course be guaranteed, because picking can lead to inadequate immune protection, which can be dangerous at times," said Prof. Cichutek.

Although there are temporary supply bottlenecks for some vaccines, the medically required supply is guaranteed. For example, parents can be confident that the primary immunization of infants and young children is possible.

Institute informs about delivery bottlenecks

The Paul-Ehrlich-Institut, Federal Institute for Vaccines and Biomedical Drugs, has been providing timely information on vaccine supply bottlenecks on its website since October 2015, thus supporting the flow of information among all those involved with regard to the supply situation.

In the list of "delivery bottlenecks of human vaccines", the PEI provides information on the expected date of re-availability of the medicinal product and lists alternative vaccines.

If this is not possible, it will contact the STIKO with a request for an action recommendation, which will then be deposited as a link.

The PEI does not publish details on where the vaccines available on the German market can be obtained, as it does not yet pursue the local distribution of vaccines.

There is a possibility that a vaccine may not be available in individual pharmacies or regions, but the vaccines are generally available in Germany.

No danger to health

If a delivery bottleneck is reported, this does not automatically mean a shortage of supply, as vaccines are still in the retail chains at this time.

Thanks to a timely notification of the vaccine manufacturers about impending delivery bottlenecks, it was possible to react in advance.

The State Medical Association of Hesse recently issued a press release on the quadruple vaccines against diphtheria, tetanus (tetanus), pertussis (whooping cough) and polio (polio), which have been repeatedly hit by supply shortages in recent months.

However, according to the PEI, at no time was there any danger to the health of the patients who were willing to pay. As a rule, alternative vaccine products of this type were available.

The vaccines mentioned are primarily used to boost vaccinations, which can easily be postponed for several months.

The vaccine combination against diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis was always available.

Unlike the press release, last year, shortages of measles, mumps, rubella and chickenpox vaccines did not last for several months, but only once for four weeks, the PEI writes. (Ad)