Insurance with alternative practitioner treatment?

Insurance with alternative practitioner treatment? / Health News

Is there additional insurance for alternative treatment methods for alternative practitioners?

In addition to the school medical clarification more and more people - at least in addition to the treatment of the doctor - a health practitioner or a naturopath. Most treatments are paid by invoice. The cost of a visit to the naturopath depends on the type and duration of the treatment. A session at the Naturopath costs on average between 60 and 120 euros.

Some public health insurance companies as well as a multiplicity of private insurance offer a so-called alternative practitioner insurance. As always with all insurance companies, you should calculate exactly in advance, if an additional insurance makes sense at all. You calculate the contribution rate, the included benefits and compare them with each other. In addition, one should calculate exactly how many times in recent years has actually gone to the naturopath. Otherwise, the costs for additional insurance will exceed.

On the basis of the insurance conditions of CSS, building block Naturopaths (as of 2009) you can see which treatment methods are covered by a non-medical practitioner supplementary insurance. This includes services such as acupuncture, aromatherapy, excretory procedures, blood tests, massages, osteopathy and much more.

The costs for additional insurance are quite different. On insurance comparison portals you can calculate your own insurance contribution rate. An example: A middle-aged man has to pay an annual fee of € 121.77 for a supplementary health insurance. However, the refund is limited to EUR 2,000 per calendar year. (sb, 17.01.2010)