Hang over after drinking alcohol Is sport soothing?
If you have looked too deeply into the glass the night before, the next day you usually get the typical hangover symptoms: headache, severe thirst, nausea and vomiting. Some say that you can "sweat out the poison," for example, by heavy physical effort. But sports and alcohol are compatible?
Match sport and alcohol together?
When you wake up in the morning after a party night, you usually feel completely hungover and tired. Complaints such as headache, dizziness and nausea lead to the fact that one has no desire for nothing. Is such a hangover but a reason to give up his usual training? In a message from the news agency dpa an expert has answers. "In principle, sport and alcohol are not compatible," explained Sabine Kind from the German University for Prevention and Health Management / BSA Academy, "because alcohol influences the ability to react and to co-ordinate. You slow down, the sense of balance is disturbed, completely normal movements are difficult. "Even several hours after drinking alcohol is still noticeable.
Muscle gain and fat burning impaired
In addition, muscle building and fat loss also suffer. "For the muscles to grow, they need energy. This energy supply is inhibited by alcohol and prevents the muscles from growing, "says Kind. Since alcohol is broken down by the liver, the organ can then no longer fulfill tasks such as natural fat burning. In addition, beer, schnapps and wine contain many calories that provide the body with no vital nutrients, but can make it thick. Consumer advocates and doctors warn again and again that the fattening alcohol is underestimated.
Increased risk of muscle spasms
Another disadvantage is that it can quickly lead to internal dehydration (dehydration) when practicing hungover sports. The health expert explained: "The body also loses minerals and the risk of muscle cramps is increased." Another problem: When you celebrate at night, also comes your own sleep-wake rhythm mixed up. The resulting lack of concentration can also increase the risk of sports accidents. "In other words, desired training effects are almost impossible to achieve after a drinking spree," explained Kind.
A glass of "now and then"
But you do not necessarily have to do without alcohol completely. For example, the red wine-containing resveratrol is said to protect against cardiovascular disease. A few months ago, American researchers also reported on study results showing that red wine burns fat cells. "The enjoyment of a glass of red wine now and then is nothing in the way. Here, however, the emphasis is on "now and then". "However, if you wake up with a hangover, according to the expert, a relaxed drunkenness run at low heart rate and in the fresh air can in no way harm. One of the most common home remedies for a hangover is certainly the hangover breakfast. Ideally, it contains plenty of fluids, such as mineral water or fruit juice spritzers, and sour-salty foods, such as sour cucumbers. (Ad)