Comparison test These organic yoghurts are best

Comparison test These organic yoghurts are best / Health News

Organic natural yoghurts perform best in the test

For many Germans, yogurt is part of their daily diet. Frequently, natural yoghurts are used. These are available in different variants: creamy or puncture-proof, mild or sour. But which one is best? Stiftung Warentest has taken a closer look at two dozen products and found that organic natural yoghurts stand out positively.

Dairy product with health benefits

A delicious breakfast without fresh yoghurt is unthinkable for many people. The milk product is wholesome, easily digestible and has a positive effect on the intestinal flora due to the sour milk bacteria it contains. In addition, scientific research has found that yoghurt protects against diabetes and - at least in women - can reduce the risk of high blood pressure. Natural yoghurt, which is available in different variants, is particularly popular: creamy or puncture-proof, mild or sour. But which one is best? Stiftung Warentest has now examined 24 high-selling products and found out that not every cup keeps its promises. The test results can be downloaded here for a fee.

Stiftung Warentest has taken a closer look at 24 high-quality natural yogurts. Above all, organic products were positive. (Image: ji_images /

Yogurt is on the table every day

For many people in Germany, yogurt is part of their daily diet. According to Stiftung Warentest, Germans prefer to taste the flavor "natural" - with strawberry and vanilla.

The testers took a close look at both tough and creamy natural yoghurts. The consistency depends on the conditions under which they have matured.

A yoghurt becomes firm when the milk enters the cup immediately after adding the bacterial cultures and turns into yoghurt. If the mixture of milk and bacteria is stirred for several hours in large tanks, the yoghurt gets a creamy consistency.

So that it does not get too thin, the manufacturers often use skimmed milk powder or withdraw water from it. This can be read off from slightly elevated protein and sugar contents.

Nearly all tested products are good

Among the 24 products tested were four organic yogurts. In addition to classic yoghurt with about 3.5 percent fat, Greek-style yoghurt was tested, which contains significantly more fat.

According to a statement, organic products share the top spots at prices of 19 and 33 cents per 100 grams.

But almost all other yogurts in the test are good, including nine products that cost only 12 cents per 100 grams. However, not every cup holds what the manufacturer promises.

Advantages of natural yoghurt

22 out of 24 natural yoghurts perform well, including four out of five Greek and Greek yoghurts. The testers found no undesirable germs, practically no residues of disinfectants and no added sugar.

Two yogurts are only satisfactory. The one contained yeasts that can accelerate the spoilage, the other tasted slightly flat and his package information arouse misconceptions.

"If you want to do something good for your health, you do not have to buy yoghurt with certain bacteria," explained Julia Bongartz, food chemist at Stiftung Warentest. Advertising that suggests something else is not allowed.

Even normal yogurt is probiotic.

Natural yoghurt scores because it contains calcium, protein, vitamins A and D and does not require added sugar. Whether the yoghurt is crispy or creamy does not matter. (Ad)