Poisoned Meatballs at Blohm + Voss

Poisoned Meatballs at Blohm + Voss / Health News

15 Blohm + Voss shipyard workers with food poisoning in the hospital


During the night of Wednesday, the rescue service of the fire brigade had to move out to the site of the Hamburg shipyard Blohm + Voss. 15 shipyard workers complained of abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting as well as circulatory problems. Meatballs that one of the shipyard workers had brought to his colleagues were probably the cause of food poisoning.

Shipyard workers of Blohm + Voss probably ate rotten meatballs
When the paramedics arrived at the shipyard, only a few of the shipyard workers showed symptoms of food poisoning. Ultimately, 15 Blohm + Voss employees had to be treated in the hospital. The shipyard workers had previously eaten homemade meatballs brought by a colleague.

Whether the meatballs actually triggered the stomach cramps and circulation problems of the shipyard workers is currently being investigated in the Eppendorf University Hospital. The police ensured remnants of the meatballs. However, there is no indication that the meatballs were deliberately poisoned, said a spokesman for Blohm + Voss „ NDR 90.3“. After the incident, all areas of the shipyard were thoroughly disinfected for safety, in which the meatballs were eaten.

Food poisoning is usually harmless
As the treating clinics announced, none of the shipyard workers were seriously ill. Most of the symptoms of food poisoning disappear after a few days on their own. Depending on the cause and the severity of the poisoning but also severe events, in the worst case with death occur.

Most people suffer from a slight food poisoning to vomiting diarrhea, which is associated with high fluid losses. Patients should therefore consume plenty of isotonic fluid to compensate for water and salt loss. (Ag)

Picture: Peter Smola