Doubled dementia risk after a stroke

Doubled dementia risk after a stroke / Health News

How does a stroke affect the development of dementia??

Unfortunately, more and more people around the world are suffering from dementia. Experts have been trying for some time to find out what causes dementia. Researchers have now discovered that stroke can double the risk of developing dementia.

Researchers at the University of Exeter found in their current research that people who have had a stroke have doubled the risk of developing dementia. The experts published the results of their study in the English language journal "Alzheimer's & Dementia".

When people have a stroke, it doubles the risk of developing dementia. (Image:

Healthy lifestyle can protect against stroke

A stroke is a dangerous disease, which often leads to the death of the person affected. Physicians suggest that people should make more efforts to promote healthy lifestyles in order to reduce the likelihood of stroke. Now that the researchers have found that a stroke can double the development of dementia, there is another important reason why people should pay special attention to a healthy lifestyle.

Data from 48 studies were analyzed

For their study, the researchers analyzed the data on stroke and the risk of dementia from a total of 48 different studies involving 3.2 million volunteers around the world.

Prevention of stroke needs to be improved

The researchers found that a history of stroke increases the risk of dementia by about 70 percent. Recent strokes have more than doubled the risk, says study author Dr. Ilianna Lourida from the University of Exeter Medical School in a press release. The established relationship between stroke and dementia is an important result. Improvements in stroke prevention and post-stroke care could thus play a key role in the prevention of dementia, adds the expert.

What are risk factors for a stroke

High blood pressure, diabetes and cardiovascular disease are the most common risk factors for stroke - and could usually be prevented or treated, say the doctors. It is already known that the rates of dementia and the rates of stroke are lower in people with an active lifestyle, a healthy diet and a healthy weight. Obesity, on the other hand, increases the risk of ischemic stroke by 22 percent. Obesity even increases the risk by 64 percent.

Many cases of dementia are preventable

About one third of cases of dementia could potentially be avoided, says study author Dr. David Llewellyn from the University of Exeter Medical School. This underscores the importance of protecting the blood supply to the brain to reduce the global rate of dementia.

A stroke does not automatically lead to dementia

The so-called vascular dementia is a form of the disease that is actually caused by mini-strokes in the brain. However, the current analysis included all forms of stroke and dementia. Despite the worrying results, the authors point out that the majority of people who have had a stroke do not get dementia afterwards. (As)