Improved Sexual Experience The cuddle hormone oxytocin benefits both women and men

Improved Sexual Experience The cuddle hormone oxytocin benefits both women and men / Health News
Improved sexual experience of the man in oxytocin treatment of the woman
If women are treated with the "cuddle hormone" oxytocin, it can also bring benefits for men. Their sexual experience will be improved, researchers from Austria report. Decisive for this is probably the improvement of the communication of the couple.

Cuddly hormone with multiple effects
Oxytocin, also known as the "cuddle" or "bonding hormone", plays a major role in childbirth, as it triggers contraction of the uterine muscles and initiates labor. In addition, it is important for a strong bond between mother and child as well as the milk injection of the mother. It helps to manage fears and also influences the behavior between partners and, more generally, social interactions by making them more capable of bonding and calming down.

A recent study showed that the sexual experience of men whose women are treated with the so-called "cuddly hormone" oxytocin improves. (Image: detailblick-foto /

For pain and sexual aversion
But the hormone can do a lot more: scientific research has shown that ocytocin could help with muscle wasting and anorexia.

And it relieves pain, as researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Medical Research in Heidelberg reported last year.

Not least, scientific research has shown that oxytocin can reduce sexual aversion in women.

When women are treated with the hormone, the men benefit, according to researchers from Austria.

Men benefit as well
The result of a study at the Medical University of Vienna (MedUni) shows that the sexual experience of men whose women had received hormone treatment with the "binding hormone" oxytocin or a placebo could be increased.

To a better erectile ability, as it says in a statement from the university.

According to the information, this effect was substance-independent. The result is therefore due to the improvement of communication in these long-term relationships.

The 30 couples studied in the study were between two and 33 years old and between 41 and 65 years old.

The results were published in the journal "Fertility and Sterility".

Improved sexual experience
Already about a year ago, the researchers under the guidance of the internist and sexologist Michaela Bayerle-Eder found in a study that hormone treatment with oxytocin improves the sexual experience of women with sexual disorders.

At that time, however, it was also shown that the comparison group, which had received only a placebo, showed virtually identical improved values.

The sexologists therefore examined the effects on their male partners. They were able to show that the therapy of the partner with oxytocin improves not only her own sexuality but also that of her husband.

Since this effect was seen both in the substance group and in the placebo group, the improvement in the communication in the couple relationship is also the trigger here.

Important social interaction in a relationship
The concrete result: "Alone, that in the relationship more was talked about sexuality, and that husband and wife had to keep a common journal, has helped to increase the sexual experience," said Bayerle-Eder.

Because the results were the same in the group of couples in which the women got oxytocin as in the group in which the women only received a placebo.

"A very important insight for all sex therapists. It's not just the medication that helps, but obviously the more important is the functioning, social interaction in a relationship, "said the study director.

This is especially important for older couples in long-term relationships. (Ad)