Vegan baking works well without an egg
You can also bake without an egg
Eggs are currently on everyone's lips. Easter without eggs is hard to imagine for most people. However, many abstain, for example allergic persons or people who do not want to consume animal products. And even if some think, such a renunciation would be difficult: Even baking can be done without an egg.
Alternatives to the egg
At Easter, almost nothing goes without eggs for many people. In the nest, in the pastry or in the dessert: they can be found everywhere. But for those who want to give it up, there are also herbal ingredients. Even the cake succeeds. The Vegetarian Union Germany (Vebu) has prepared in a message from the news agency dpa for those who do not want to eat eggs, some alternatives to choose from.
Banana, applesauce and soy flour
For example, an egg can be replaced by half a banana. This is good for cakes and pastries. The flavor is the sweeter and more intense, the more mature the fruit. Just crush the banana and stir it into the dough. Flaxseed is also suitable, especially for wholegrain biscuits. Two tablespoons of ground dark seed mixed with three tablespoons of water equals one egg. Applesauce is doing well in muffins and wet doughs. When baking the apple flavor is almost completely lost. According to the information, three tablespoons of applesauce replace an egg. Furthermore, offer starch and soy flour. It comes with water mixed in cake or pastry. A tablespoon of flour replaces an egg. It should be noted, however, that especially soy flour tastes clearly.
Basic waiver of eggs
Many people basically do without eggs because they do not consume animal food for ethical or animal welfare reasons. In addition, eggs can cause some severe allergic reactions and are therefore avoided. Others do not eat eggs as they have a bad reputation for health, especially because of cholesterol. But now more and more studies come to the conclusion that the cholesterol contained in food is not a health hazard. (Ad)
Picture: Daisies