USA A new fungus can bring death
In the US, a health-threatening fungus has appeared: The pathogen Cryptococcus gattii threatens humans and animals alike.
(24.04.2010) A harmful fungus has appeared in the USA: the pathogen "Cryptococcus gattii" threatens humans and animals alike. "Cryptococcus gattii" belongs to the genus of pathogenic yeasts. The fungus is currently spreading in the northwestern United States and Canada. The spores of the pathogen spread through the air, so that the pathogen is absorbed by the breath. So far, the fungus was especially dangerous for people who had a weakened immune system, but now spreads a new form of yeast, because the fungus has now mutated to a more aggressive variant (VGIIc).
In the years 1999 to 2003, infections were identified in Vancouver Island. Thereafter, the fungus also migrated to the Canadian mainland. The result: 218 people fell ill, 19 people died as a result of the disease. Now the pathogenic fungus has apparently spread further and developed aggressive germs. Edmond Byrnes of "Duke University" in North Carolina warns on the US website "PLoS Pathogens": "This new fungus also poses a threat to otherwise healthy people."
Currently, 21 people have been infected, five people have already died from the new pathogen. The symptoms of the disease are not clear at first. Patients complain of coughing, breathing difficulties and fever. The incubation period is two months. If the infection is detected early, antibiotic treatment can usually combat the disease. Currently, the US federal authorities take no countermeasures because the infection cases are still too low. (Sb)