US study Slim by chocolate?

US study Slim by chocolate? / Health News

Study: Regular chocolate consumption reduces body mass index


Regular consumption of chocolate appears to have a positive effect on body mass index (BMI). To this contradictory statement at first glance US researchers come to Beatrice Golomb at the University of California in San Diego. The scientists had evaluated the chocolate consumption of over a thousand study participants and compared them with their BMI.

Comparing chocolate intake to BMI, researchers found that subjects who regularly consumed chocolate were on average leaner than those who rarely consumed chocolate. Their results have Beatrice Golomb and colleagues in the journal „Archives of Internal Medicine“ released. Whether an increased consumption of chocolate actually contributes to a significant improvement in the figure is still doubtful.

Chocolate consumption of more than 1,000 subjects studied
In the course of their study, the US researchers investigated the chocolate consumption of 1,018 men and women between the ages of 20 and 85 in order to examine possible connections with the BMI. None of the subjects suffered at baseline „Diabetes, cardiovascular disease (heart disease) or other serious health problems“, which could be considered a typical sign of the so-called metabolic syndrome, write the Beatrice Golomb and colleagues. The „Chocolate has favorable metabolic associations with blood pressure, insulin sensitivity, and cholesterol levels“ According to the researchers, it was already known from earlier studies. Also, the positive effect of the antioxidants contained in the phytochemicals, the so-called flavonoids (especially catechins), the insulin sensitivity and blood pressure has already been demonstrated. Only because of the fact that chocolate is often consumed as a high-calorie candy, „There are concerns about their inclusion“, Explained the US researchers.

Relationship between chocolate consumption and reduction in BMI
The University of California scientists hypothesized that frequent ingestion of smaller portions of chocolate is also due to the positive effects on metabolism and preventive effects against multiple underlying metabolic syndrome disorders (e.g., hypertension, insulin resistance) „to reduced fat deposits“ and thus could lead to a lower BMI. In fact, Golomb and colleagues intervened in the evaluation of the data „Relationship between higher frequented chocolate consumption and a lower body mass index“ firmly. So would have „Adults who eat chocolate regularly have a lower body mass index than those who use chocolate less often“, report the US researchers. Although the observed differences are small, but too clear for a statistical coincidence, write Beatrice Golomb and colleagues. Since no further serious differences in the behavior of the subjects as an explanation for the difference in weight could be found, it can be assumed, „that regular chocolate consumption with a lower BMI“ This is the conclusion of the study.

Chocolate stimulates the metabolism
The positive impact of chocolate on BMI is believed by US scientists to be due to the stimulation of metabolism by the ingredients of chocolate. In particular, dark chocolate is known for its metabolism-stimulating effect and is considered due to the lower sugar content and the flavonoids contained as healthy chocolate, said Beatrice Golomb. The type of consumption may also have an impact on the reduction of BMI through regular consumption of chocolate, as the slimmer subjects were more likely to use chocolate on average but were satisfied with smaller portions. However, all information provided by the study on the chocolate consumption of the subjects was based on their individual assessment, so that errors can not be ruled out.

Doubts about the suitability of chocolate for losing weight
The expert of the German Society for Nutrition (DGE) in Bonn, Silke Restemeyer, showed herself to the news agency „dpa“ In view of the current study results rather skeptical. „I can not imagine that you can lose weight with chocolate“, stressed Restemeyer. However, the complete abandonment of chocolate may also be counterproductive. Because „Anyone who forbids everything often gets food cravings“, warned the DGE expert. Also, Restemeyer confirmed to the „dpa“, Among other things, flavonoids are good for the cardiovascular system and have an anti-inflammatory effect. But such positive ingredients could „also wonderful about other foods“ such as berries, nuts or grapes are recorded, explained the nutritionist. (Fp)

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Picture: S. Hainz