US researchers fat fish relieves arthritis symptoms
Researchers have now found that omega-3 fatty acids in fish like tuna, salmon and sardines can reduce the symptoms of arthritis. The consumption of these fish, for example, reduces the swelling of the joints in those affected.
Researchers at Brigham and Women's Hospital and the internationally acclaimed Harvard Medical School found in their study that consuming omega-3 oils in fish reduces the symptoms of arthritis. The physicians published the results of their study in the journal "Arthritis Care & Research".
People with arthritis disorders often suffer from painful swelling of the joints. Experts have now discovered that consuming fresh fish with omega-3 fatty acids can reduce the symptoms of arthritis. (Image: highwaystarz / reduces joint swelling
Consuming omega-3 fish is healthy and can reduce joint swelling, for example. It does not matter if these fish are cooked or consumed raw. Usually, many sufferers use anti-rheumatic drugs (NSAIDs) to improve symptoms and prevent long-term joint damage, say the experts. The current investigation has now looked at other anti-inflammatory therapies. For decades, there has been a particular interest in omega-3 fatty acids because they can reduce pro-inflammatory cytokines, the researchers say.
How does the consumption of fresh fish compare with fish oil supplements??
The current study indicates that fish consumption can affect inflammation associated with rheumatoid arthritis, explains author Dr. Sara Tedeschi. "Our study is a novel analysis of the relationship between the disease and the consumption of fish as a whole and the consumption of fish oil supplements," adds the expert. When subjects took fish or fish oil, it reduced the inflammation of the joints. The results speak in favor of increasing their fish consumption in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
Fish consumption leads to a generally healthier lifestyle
When people consumed omega-3 fatty acids more than twice a week, this resulted in a lower DAS28 CRP (arthritis symptom rating scale). In addition, consumption was linked to a healthier lifestyle, explain the authors. Fish contain various important macronutrients and micronutrients in addition to omega-3 fatty acids.
Patients with rheumatoid arthritis should consume a lot of fish
The consumption of fish can have many positive health effects. The current results suggest that even patients with rheumatoid arthritis use them more, say the experts. Because over time, the progressing joint inflammation to a considerable burden in everyday life and sufferers have an overall shortened life expectancy.
Affected people should eat fish at least twice a week
For their study, researchers examined the diet of a total of 176 patients with arthritis. The majority of the subjects were white middle-aged women with longstanding rheumatoid arthritis, the researchers explain. Less than a quarter of participants (17.6 percent) often consumed fish. 19.9 percent of the subjects rarely consumed fish, but often took supplements with fish oil. "We were able to observe significantly reduced DAS28-CRP levels among those who consumed fish more than twice a week, compared to people eating fish only once a month," says Dr. Tedeschi. (As)