Verdict Doctors should not advertise magnetic field therapy

Koblenz (law). For a magnetic therapy offered by them doctors are not allowed to advertise with positive health effects. These are not scientifically proven, advertising is therefore inadmissible, as the Higher Regional Court (OLG) Koblenz in a decision announced on Wednesday, June 22, 2016, ruled (Az .: 9 U 1181/15).
In the decided case, a doctor in Rhineland-Palatinate had advertised the magnetic field therapy offered by him on the Internet. Although the effect of the treatment has not yet been confirmed scientifically, he observed in his practice daily pleasing therapeutic successes. So he has achieved very good results in the treatment of back problems, joint wear on knees and hips, rheumatism and bruises. Even with migraine and circulatory disorders, the pulsating magnetic therapy can sustainably help.

On complaint of a competition association the OLG Koblenz forbade this advertisement now. It is misleading and therefore inadmissible. The patients suggest the advertising a therapeutic efficacy, which is not scientifically proven. This is also the reference to the lack of scientific evidence nothing, especially since the doctor immediately afterwards refer back to the "gratifying therapeutic successes", so the Higher Regional Court in its already published written judgment of January 20, 2016. mwo / fle