Causes of genetic overweight
Study Clarifies Causes of Obesity: Why do fat people have such a hard time losing weight??
Why are people fat and have weight loss problems? More than 400 scientists have teamed to tackle the causes of obesity. Within the scope of the most comprehensive gene study on obesity to date, they were able to detect numerous previously unknown genes in the genetic material that significantly influence the risk of overweight and fat distribution in the body.
Genetics of 250,000 Europeans examined
In the study, the researchers studied the genetic makeup of almost 250,000 Europeans Europeans, as well as diet and lifestyle and genetic factors are crucial for the development of obesity (obesity). In addition to the 14 known genes that influence overweight risk, researchers have discovered 18 new ones that also affect body mass. In addition, they have found 13 other genes that control the distribution of fat on the body. Joel Hirschhorn from Children's Hospital in Boston emphasized that this explains why “different people (...) differently prone to overweight“ are. “Some do not pay attention to what they eat or how much they move, yet they are not. Others constantly fight to keep their weight from skyrocketing“, Hirschhorn explained. The genetic factors now identified form a relatively good explanatory model for this.
Genes affect fat distribution - especially in women
The in the online pre-publication of the journal “Nature Genetics“ presented results, are new especially with regard to the connection of the discovered genes with the energy metabolism. The fact that 13 genes have a direct influence on the fat distribution on the body or the fat ratio of hip to waist, was previously unknown. The scientists emphasize that about half of the discovered genetic material is of importance, especially in women. (fp, 17.10.2010)
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