Urologists are not just men's doctors

Urologists are not just "men's doctors"
Many people still think urologists are the "gynecologists" of men. Although urologists are indeed experts in male genital organs, they also treat defects in the urinary and urinary organs. Therefore, they are also the experts in urethral, bladder or kidney problems that affect women in particular. Nevertheless, many women are afraid of the urologist.

At this year's congress of the German Society of Urology (DGU) urological diseases of women were discussed as well as men's. More than 7,000 trade visitors came to the congress under the motto: "Urology includes more".
Kidney, bladder and genital diseases
The President of the DGU, Prof. dr. Stephan Roth, in a letter of invitation to the congress, wrote: "the urologist and the urologist are more than the doctor for the man and the prostate! Establishing the urologist as a men's surgeon was a necessary step more than 10 years ago because non-specialist disciplines began practicing urological precaution in men: a strategy that defined urological competence and at the same time developed a handy strategy. "So the doctors had themselves contributed to the image of the "male doctor" from whom they now want to get away again. At this year's congress, it was important to convey to the public that urologists also treat women and children with kidney, bladder and genital diseases.
Even children have to go to the urologist
However, many do not know when, for example, children need to go to the urologist. A special boys consultation with the urologist could help, my experts. Especially in children, in which the body is still growing and developing, often occur on complaints that should be clarified. But many adults are not aware that you should go to the urologist not only for itching in the genital area. Urologists, for example, are the experts when it comes to "stone diseases" such as gallstones or kidney stones.
Financial considerations for certain treatments
In the run-up to the congress, Professor Roth criticized that pediatric surgeons and gynecologists sometimes perform urological treatments without being sufficiently trained. Compared to the "doctors newspaper" he said: "When it comes to kidney stones in children, then such a child is in good hands with the urologist who often stone suffering." In contrast, are not competent in pediatric surgeons, the only three times a year a specific Operation performed. Roth assumes that certain treatments may also be based on financial considerations: "If pediatric surgeons at university clinics often treat children with urology, simply because children's surgery is to be maintained in-house for economic reasons, we urologists are increasingly faced with a new generation problem in pediatric urology. "
Expert cares for offspring
He is obviously not concerned only with the quality of treatment, but also with the concern that the medical offspring will be absent if the subject area is narrowed further and further. This concern is particularly significant in view of the fact that by 2025 urology is expected to increase supply by nearly 20 percent. The reason for this is the increasing number of older people in Germany. Seniors account for the largest proportion of urology patients. (Ad)