Tourists are checked for hantaviruses

Tourists are checked for hantaviruses / Health News

US tourists are being examined for hantaviruses


Deadly viruses as holiday gifts from the USA? Tourists visiting Yosemite National Park in California are currently at high risk of contracting a particular, potentially fatal form of hantavirus. More than 200 German travelers, their companions and their doctors were informed by the Robert Koch Institute on the risk of infection.

The Robert Koch Institute in Berlin warns German travelers of the danger of hantaviruses in Yosemite National Park. After stays in the national park are „In the summer of 2012, at least eight US visitors to the so-called hantavirus-induced pulmonary syndrome (HPS) fell ill, three of them died“, so the message of the RKI. Outbreak Center was originally the „Curry Village“ Campsite, but the US Department of Insect Control has its „Warning has now been extended to all those who have visited Yosemite National Park in recent weeks“, reports the RKI. In contrast to the hantaviruses, which have already caused an increase in infections in Germany this year, the type of virus (Sin Nombre virus) that is widespread on the North American continent is life-threatening.

Symptoms of infection with the North American hantavirus
„The Sin Nombre virus, is far more dangerous than the Hantaviruses that occur in Germany and also triggers a different clinical picture“, so the current warning of the RKI. The main carriers are deer mice, which excrete the virus in their urine, faeces and saliva. If the pathogens are subsequently inhaled with contaminated dust, a serious infection is imminent. After an incubation period of seven days, it first manifests itself in flu-like symptoms such as tiredness, fever, muscle and limb pain. „In addition, it can also cause headache, dizziness, chills and gastrointestinal discomfort such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain“, reports the RKI. About four to ten days after the first phase of the disease, you may experience the first signs of HPS, such as coughing, shortness of breath and increased difficulty breathing. According to the RKI communication, it is proceeding „HPS is fast and can be deadly.“ 35 percent of the 510 HPS patients who were registered in the United States between 1993 and 2009 died from the disease.

Patients and doctors are informed by the health authorities
Since, of course, German travelers could be affected, the tourists are examined by the responsible health authorities and informed, explained a spokeswoman for the RKI. Although so far no infections were known, but „Doctors should consider the use of Sin-Nombre Hantavirus early in the treatment and care of individuals who have stayed in Yosemite National Park in recent weeks and initiate targeted virological diagnostics“, so the message of the RKI. If symptoms are present, a blood test can help diagnose the condition. Affected „Patients should be closely monitored for the development of HPS and promptly hospitalized if necessary“, warns the RKI. Fortunately, however, the North American hantavirus is not transmissible from human to human.

Hantaviruses in Germany
The hantaviruses occurring in Germany are basically to be distinguished from the North American hantavirus. They can also cause severe forms, but cause almost never deadly diseases, but in the worst case lead to irreversible damage to the kidney. Areas with an increased risk of infection are mainly Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria in Germany. (Fp)

Read about:
Hantavirus infections in Baden-Württemberg
Increase in hantavirus infections
Spread of hantaviruses

Image: Gerd Altmann (image is a tracing)