Holiday Where to go for sick bronchi? Wet-hot countries not recommended

Holiday Where to go for sick bronchi? Wet-hot countries not recommended / Health News
People who suffer from respiratory diseases usually have to think carefully about where they want to spend their holidays. Climate and pollution of air with irritants have a significant influence on the disease. Anyone who also wants to sustainably improve their health can supplement their holidays with special spa offers. They usually have a positive effect on the bronchi many months later.
Holidays by the sea - low in pollen and salty
The sea often blows a fresh breeze. Since it usually comes directly from the sea, it brings clean, salty air without pollen with it. For people who suffer from asthma with or without allergic cause are the best conditions. On the Mediterranean, an allergy-free accommodation on the seafront is better than one in the country, as pollen in this region is in the air until November. On the other hand, asthmatics should not drive to the North Sea too late in the year. If the air is too cold, it irritates sensitive mucous membranes excessively. People with COPD should avoid avoiding the stimulating climate of the North Sea all year round. It can aggravate complaints.

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Vacation in the mountains improves condition
Just as at the seaside, COPD patients also need to be careful in the mountains. Because the available oxygen decreases with altitude, and that can cause them massive respiratory problems. But in the mountains, the air is also low in pollen and free from allergic irritants, which is good for asthmatics. The lower atmospheric oxygen in alpine situations also helps them, because the body is in constant endurance training. "The level has a positive effect on the formation of red blood cells, the transport of oxygen as well as blood pressure and pulse behavior and thus improves the oxygen saturation in the blood," explains Univ.-Doz. Dr. Bertram Hölzl, scientific director of the Gasteiner Heilstollen. For example, it works well against shortness of breath, provided there are no serious organic causes. Where mountains are, there are often former mine tunnels, which are used in the course of a cure today for health. From the almost dust and pollen-free atmosphere, almost all people benefit from respiratory problems. "So-called radon heat therapies in tunnels have a special value," recommends the expert. Here, the noble gas radon naturally exits the rock and is absorbed through the skin and lungs. "The therapy stimulates the body's own cell repair mechanisms, reduces the activity of inflammatory cells as well as painkillers and cramped muscles relax", explains Dr. med. hölzl.

Avoid hot and humid countries and big cities
Whether allergic or non-allergic asthma, whether COPD or infectious lung diseases - holidays in hot humid countries tolerate bronchi only poorly. Even large cities should avoid people with respiratory diseases. Air pollutants, such as particulate matter, oxides of nitrogen and carbon monoxide, can penetrate sensitive areas of the respiratory system, reducing, for example, red blood cell oxygen transport capacity. (Pm)