Infidelity can be seen by women on the face of men

Infidelity can be seen by women on the face of men / Health News

Women can recognize infidelity and loyalty in men in the face


According to a study, many women can tell by the face of the male partner whether he is loyal or not. One experiment showed that women apparently possess this gift, whereas men tend not to possess these emotional antennas. They were subject to women during the investigation.

"I had to work longer today, so it has become a bit later today." How much truth lies in the words of a man can obviously recognize women immediately on the face of the man. Is it because men are less able to lie, or women can tell by the face, whether a man is loyal or not??

Women can read infidelity on the face
According to a recent study, women can obviously classify men in certain categories. "Is this man cheating or is he more monogamous?" In most cases women can recognize the answer on the masculine facial features and assess their counterpart accordingly. According to the psychological research, a lot of things run rather unconsciously. "A monogamous or polygamous attitude can be seen on the man's face in many cases for women," says the research team from Australia.

The study shows that the supposition that women can detect unfaithfulness by their facial expressions is in fact a spark of truth, the scientists report in the journal "Biology Letters" of the British "Royal Society". Men, on the other hand, could barely make a meaningful assessment based on pictures. They rated rather good-looking and especially feminine-looking women as "unfaithful" and were in the vast majority of cases wrong.

Court expression reveals health and character
"Everybody makes the first impression of the face," explains Gillian Rhodes and her colleagues from the University of Western Australia in Perth. According to current research, the face tells a lot about the character traits. But the face also shows the health of the other person, how intelligent or fertile he or she is. In doing so, people use empirical values ​​from their lives. The older somebody is, the more differentiated the latter can judge the other person's facial expression.

Especially when choosing a partner certain signals that are perceived on the subconscious level play a major role. Whether the face also reveals how the previous relationship history was and whether there is a tendency to fidelity or infidelity had never been investigated, as the researchers write in their study report. "We are now providing the first evidence that it is actually possible in the approach to read the loyalty of another on the face - at least for women," writes Rhodes. Although women would sometimes be wrong, because the subliminal signals misinterpret certain features on the face, but women were "remarkably accurate".

Women showed high agreement ratings
For the study, the researchers used portrait photos of 101 men and 88 women. These were questioned by questionnaire about their relationship attitudes and loyalty. Some of the persons portrayed stated that they had once before dared to take a side-skip at least once in their lives. The other part said that she had always been faithful to her partner.

In the second part, the pictures were shown 34 women and 34 men. The women were shown only men and the men only pictures of women. In the case of everyone, it was previously ruled out that the persons shown were met once in their lives. Participants should answer the question on each photograph if they rate them as "good" or "unfaithful". In further questions, they should additionally assess whether they find the person attractive. Individual attributes such as masculinity, femininity, beauty and trustworthiness were queried.

The result showed that the female subjects were in their marksmanship on the subject of infidelity and loyalty in the middle range. "Men have not achieved any significant matches to the actual attitude. Men, more than women, tended to mistake unfaithful persons for loyalty, "the psychologists report. Men showed an error rate of 77 percent and women only 38 percent.

The study showed that there were significant differences in the evaluation of facial features between men and women. Men apparently used different evaluation criteria than women. For example, men rated depicted women as unfaithful, even if they rated them as particularly attractive and feminine at the same time. Women did not have any characteristics in their assessments that would allow a connection between infidelity and attractiveness. However, men were considered unfaithful, even though they were also strongly masculine in the court term.

If men are considered by women to be particularly unfaithful, this does not automatically mean that they are not chosen as partners. Infidelity was not interpreted by the women at the same time as absolutely "character-weak". The analysis also showed that women do not establish a context between trustworthiness and infidelity. (Sb)

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