Examining mushroom food can protect us from Alzheimer's

Alzheimer's is a very widespread problem in today's society. More and more older people are suffering from this form of dementia. Physicians have been looking for ways to more effective treatment or prevention of the disease for a long time. Researchers have now discovered that consuming mushrooms can protect against Alzheimer's.
Researchers at the University of Malaysia found that regular consumption of certain fungi can reduce or delay the development of Alzheimer's disease. The reason seems to be a contained bioactive compound. The physicians published the results of their study in the journal "Journal of Medicinal Food".

Bioactive compounds in fungi seem to delay Alzheimer's
Mushrooms contain bioactive compounds that seem to delay the development of Alzheimer's disease. The disease alone affects about 5.1 million Americans, say the authors. Worldwide, approximately 42 million cases of Alzheimer's are expected by 2020. Despite promoting the development of drugs for Alzheimer's, the management and treatment of the disease remains largely ineffective.
Consumption of certain fungi can at best prevent neurodegenerative diseases
Certain edible mushrooms seem to increase the so-called nerve growth in the brain. This can protect those affected from the causes of age-related diseases, the doctors say. By consuming these mushrooms, neurodegenerative diseases can be delayed or even prevented.
Positive effects of the consumption of mushrooms
Already in previous investigations it became clear that mushrooms contain so-called antioxidants. The fungi also protect against, for example, tumors, viruses, cancer, inflammation and diabetes. Fungus with anti-inflammatory properties can be used as a functional food to combat high blood pressure, the authors explain. High blood pressure causes many age-related chronic diseases, including some neurodegenerative diseases.
Possible effects and consequences of Alzheimer's
The scientists selected eleven different types of fungi and studied their effects on the brains of mice and rats. Alzheimer's disease is a progressive brain disorder. The disease slowly leads to dwindling or defective memories, influences the ability to think and the ability to perform even simple tasks, the researchers explain. Alzheimer's disease accounts for about 60 percent to 70 percent of dementia disorders. Most sufferers are older than 65 years.
Signs and symptoms for Alzheimer's
- Difficulties remembering newly learned information
- disorientation
- Mood and behavior changes
- Increasing serious memory loss
- Difficulty speaking, swallowing and walking
Stages of Alzheimer's disease
Early stage: Ill patients can live independently and cope with everyday tasks. Nevertheless, they already suffer from memory disorders.
Median stage of the disease: Mostly the longest phase of the disease. Those affected are more likely to be confused in their choice of words, react frustrated or angry and suffer from sudden changes in behavior.
Late stage: In the final stage, affected individuals lose the ability to respond to their environment, have a conversation, and may have difficulty controlling their movements.
Ways to prevent Alzheimer's
There is no known cure for Alzheimer's but experts suggest exercise, social interaction and increased intake of omega-3 fats in their diet. Thus, the development of the disease should be prevented or their progress slowed down, say the authors.
Fungi in rats promoted the peripheral regeneration of the nerves
Fungi can increase the production of nerve growth factor (NGF). This molecule is primarily involved in regulating the growth, maintenance, proliferation and survival of certain neurons in the brain, the researchers explain. Its effects promoted the peripheral regeneration of the nerves in rats. This network of motor and sensory nerves connects the brain and the spinal cord.
Certain mushrooms and their effect on our health
Because the fungi stimulate the production of NGF, it could protect existing neurons from chemical substances that later cause cell death, the scientists speculate. Specific fungi were also found which were useful for brain health. For example, Cordyceps, a medicinal mushroom in classical Asian pharmacology. The fungus prevents due to its contained antioxidants and its anti-inflammatory effect of neuronal cell death and memory loss, say the doctors. The so-called Reishi mushroom has long been considered a herbal remedy and could lead to an improvement in cognitive skills and increased longevity.
Further research is needed
The effects of fungi on Alzheimer's are still insufficiently understood. Further research is urgently needed on this Gebiert, say the authors. Previous research has focused particularly on two herbs, periwinkles and ginseng, both of which have proven to enhance cognitive function. Scientists have also discovered that one of the active essential oils in rosemary improves the speed and accuracy of performing certain mental tasks. (As)