Investigated With five simple rules, we can drastically reduce our risk of colorectal cancer

How habits affect colorectal cancer risk
Your own lifestyle has a significant impact on the risk of developing colon cancer. A recently published study by the German Cancer Research Center shows what measures every person can take to reduce their personal risk - completely independent of genetic influences. Even people who are naturally at increased risk can reduce the likelihood of disease by adopting a suitable lifestyle.
Colorectal cancer is one of the most common tumor diseases in Germany. In men, it is the third most common and in women even the second most common cancer. Researchers from the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) identified five rules in their study for a healthier lifestyle. By implementing these rules, anyone can demonstrably minimize their risk of colorectal cancer. The study results were recently published in the journal "Gastroenterology".

The five rule against colon cancer
"Everyone can reduce his colorectal cancer risk by paying attention to a healthy lifestyle," summarizes DKFZ expert Michael Hoffmeister the study results in a press release. From the research, five lifestyle factors have been identified that are less likely to be associated with colon cancer:
- Do not smoke,
- low alcohol consumption,
- healthy eating,
- sufficient physical activity,
- normal body weight.
Everyone can contribute to risk minimization
The study is based on data from more than 4,000 colorectal cancer patients and 3,000 healthy controls. The study emphasized factors that every human being can influence, including smoking, alcohol consumption, diet, exercise and body weight. "The more healthy lifestyle factors the study participants combined, the lower their risk of contracting colon cancer," explains Hoffmeister.
Even small successes can make the difference
Those who can not or do not want to realize all of these factors can already benefit if they only consider some of these lifestyle factors. For example, during the study, participants who did not smoke, eat well, and were physically active had a lower risk of colorectal cancer than participants who did not follow any of the five lifestyles. "But he who took all five lifestyle factors, had the lowest risk of colon cancer," said the cancer experts.
All factors had about the same effect
Overall, a healthy lifestyle proved to be an equivalent tool against colorectal cancer, such as colon cancer prevention. "It did not matter whether it was the no-smoking, the healthy diet, or the physical activity that was heeded," says lead author Prudence Carr. Each variant is associated with a reduced disease risk.
What role does genetics play??
Not only lifestyle alone influences whether or not you have colorectal cancer. As the DKFZ researchers report, more than 50 gene variants have been discovered in recent years that slightly increase the risk of colorectal cancer. "There are people who, because of their genetic profile, have a slightly higher risk of developing colorectal cancer than others," explains Carr. But for these people as well: A healthy lifestyle lowers the risk of colorectal cancer.
This recommendation applies to all people
"The recommendation to respect a healthy lifestyle is therefore valid for everyone, regardless of their genetic colorectal cancer risk," said Hoffmeister. As an added motivation, the expert points out that the same factors also reduce the risk of heart disease and many other conditions.
Colon cancer is still a big problem
Despite all scientific advances, colon cancer is one of the most common cancers worldwide. According to calculations and estimates based on the cancer registry data of the Robert Koch Institute, in Germany in 2018 33,000 men and 26,000 women will develop colorectal cancer. With the five factors for a healthy lifestyle, everyone can contribute to not sharing this fate. (Vb)