Also helps with weight loss Start the day healthy with a glass of lemon water

Healthy in the day: with a glass of warm lemon water
Many health experts agree that one can hardly start the day healthier than with a glass of lukewarm lemon water. The drink ensures that essential vitamins and nutrients are added to the body. It also promotes digestion. Last but not least, the drink can help you lose weight.
Help with weight loss
Getting rid of extra pounds helps you to wake up right after waking up. This can already start in bed, for example by moving your legs while lying down as if riding a bicycle. Weight loss can also be helped by drinking a glass of honey water in the morning, as this mix has a filling effect. Health apostles like various Hollywood actresses prefer to start their day with a glass of warm lemon water. This drink not only helps you lose weight, but also good for your health.

Positive effect of lukewarm water and lemon juice
Lemon water combines the beneficial effects of lukewarm water and lemon juice. The drink stimulates the digestion, promotes the bowel movement and helps to lose weight.
In addition, the liquid in the morning, the moisture storage, which have emptied during the night, slowly replenished.
The lemon juice adds important nutrients and vitamin C to the drink. In addition, the citric acid in the organism is metabolized basic, which counteracts hyperacidity and promotes detoxification.
Positive effect of the drink has been used for centuries
Ayurveda's Indian health science has been using the positive effects of this easy-to-make beverage for centuries.
To this day, lemon water is known for example as a home remedy to detoxify the liver.
And even according to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), warm water has a detoxifying effect.
In many Asian countries, water has been drunk mainly warm or hot for centuries.
Not too hot and not too cold
For the preparation of lemon water, a liter of water is boiled briefly. Then it should cool down before the squeezed juice is added to half a lemon and the slices to the other half.
If the water is still too hot, the healthy ingredients of the lemon such as potassium, calcium, vitamin C and pectin are partially destroyed. If the water is too cold, it can have an adverse effect on the digestive tract.
Due to the potassium contained, the lemon water has a positive effect on the blood pressure.
And vitamin C promotes iron absorption in the gut and strengthens the immune system. Furthermore, the vitamin promotes wound healing.
Applied externally, lemon water can also be used for skin care. It combats bacteria, tightens the connective tissue, protects against free radicals and acts in this way as an anti-aging agent.
Kidney patients should be careful
Although it is usually safe for healthy people to ingest too much vitamin C, as this is water-soluble and excreted in the case of an overdose on the urine.
However, kidney patients need to be careful. Because with them a high dose of the vitamin can cause indigestion and diarrhea.
In addition, a high intake could lead to kidney stones. (Ad)