Lower Back Pain What really helps against lower back pain

Lower Back Pain What really helps against lower back pain / Health News
Deep low back pain: what helps against back pain
In Germany, more and more therapies for back problems are prescribed. Not surprisingly, many of us spend most of our day at the desk. But even people who usually sit in their job, can counteract back pain.

We spend more and more time sitting down
More than 80 percent of Germans suffer from back pain at some point in their lives. This also has to do with the fact that many working people spend much of the day sitting. "The time we sit in has, unfortunately, outdated the time we are in," explained Jörg Bohmann, Head of Central Physiotherapy at the University Hospital Freiburg, in an earlier communication. If it comes to complaints, you should not be overprotective. Rather, health professionals recommend strengthening your back through exercise to prevent pain.

Millions of Germans suffer from low back pain. This has to do with the fact that many of us spend most of the day sitting down. With some exercises you can counteract the complaints. (Image: Andrey Popov / fotolia.com)

Treat back pain naturally
The many seats hurt our back very quickly. When it comes to low-lying back pain, sufferers should first seek a pain-free position.

Medicines should rather be dispensed with, as drugs for back pain, according to recent studies, often more harm than help.

As a simple home remedy for back pain, heat has been proven, such as in the form of a hot water bottle or a hot bath. Also recommended are special exercises against back pain.

Sport against back problems
According to experts, exercises such as Katzenbuckel, Hacker and Kraule are suitable. And of course sports that strengthen the cross - for example, swimming, Nordic walking or Pilates.

However, it depends on the right degree. "The dose makes the poison. If someone with back problems just walk, that's wrong. If he does that for a long time, it will hurt himself. " Reinhard Schneiderhan, President of the German Spine League, in an interview.

He continued, "Swimming is not always good for the back either. As positive as back or breaststroke can affect, so much burdened the dolphin an untrained back. Cycling brings relatively little, but it does not burden. "

In stress, the muscles are tense
In a recent message from the news agency dpa other experts have important information and useful tips on the subject of low back pain.

In addition to the many sitting, too little exercise and overweight stress is one reason why so many people have problems with the lower back.

As the psychologist of the Pain Management Clinic of the University Medical Center Göttingen, Michael Pfingsten, explained, the muscles tense in stressful moments. If the person then goes to sports, he breaks down the tension.

However, if the body is permanently exposed to this state of stress, the muscles are also constantly tense - the result can be pain.

"This pain can even become chronic and expand more and more," Pentecost loud dpa.

Proper mattress and good footwear
Swimming, cycling, yoga: Movement is basically useful, but: "Do nothing that hurts properly," warned Peter Baum, medical director of the Joint Clinic Gundelfingen.

Combinations of endurance and muscle building training were ideal. Prof. Bernd Kladny, Secretary General of the German Society for Orthopedics and Orthopedic Surgery (DGOOC) recommends Nordic Walking: "This is a good combination of muscle training, promoting flexibility and endurance." It is important that the patient does something at all.

To counteract unspecific low back pain you should also bed properly. The spine needs relief at night. According to Baum, "the right mattress is decisive". The body must be free of tension on it.

"Everyone has to try it out, and not just five minutes in the shop." Kladny agrees: "Many retailers offer to test the mattress at home," says the doctor.

Important is also good footwear. According to Baum, people who have problems with their backs for the first time could just buy a good running shoe. "They are usually very well padded." This shock energy is cushioned when walking.

Exercises for a fit back muscles
Peter Baum from the Joint Clinic Gundelfingen has some recommendations for exercises for a fit back muscles available, which should be repeated ten times: When Katzenbuckel directed the view in Vierfüßlerstand with straight back down and then curves the spine slowly until the back completely is round. And back to the starting position.

The Kuhrücken also starts in quadruped stall. But instead of bending your back, you let it slowly fall into the hollow back and raises the look. Then back to the starting position.

At the bridge, lie with your back on the mat, put your legs up, and place your arms sideways beside your body. Then slowly lift your hips off the ground and roll up swirls for swirls. Hold the buttocks up for ten seconds.

To strengthen the buttocks, lie down with your stomach on the mat and cross your arms under your forehead. Then slowly raise the stretched legs and tense the butt. Stop for a short while and drop off again just as slowly.

The relaxation should not be neglected. For this you can kneel on the ground and set the buttocks on the heels. Then set your head down on the floor, extend your arms forward and put your hands on the floor. Breathe deeply and evenly. The position should be held for about a minute. (Ad)