Unsocial health policy of black and yellow

Unsocial health policy of black and yellow / Health News

Health policy of black and yellow: costs will rise and benefits decline - resistance is formed against Rösler's plans to introduce a capitation

The in his first speech before the Bundestag as newly presented plans of Federal Health Minister Phillip Rösler freeze the employer's contribution to the contribution to the statutory health insurance to 14% and the announcement that workers will soon support their health insurance with a capitation on indignation in all opposition parties, trade unionists and also encountered doctors. At a federal action conference of the Alliance „We do not pay for your crisis“ From 13. to 15. November 2009 in the union house in Stuttgart were most participants according to the on-line magazine „Telepolis“ The conference agreed that health policy could become the center of a new social protest.

Also the former deputy DGB chairman Ursula Engelen- Kefer describes the announced measures of Rösler in the taz of 13 November 2009 as the introduction of a „Awesome“ for the welfare state. She explains that the implementation of the capitation fee in Switzerland has led to additional costs, reduced quality in health care and two-tier medicine.

According to the news magazine „News Ad“ The President of the Saxonian Medical Association, Jan Schulze, has also criticized the introduction of the capitation. He said it "could become a financial, bureaucratic and political nightmare".

In fact, it is the case that in the implementation of the capitation in the statutory health insurance, according to the AOK Schleswig-Holstein a workers' budget would be charged monthly with at least 140 euros cash contribution. For this capitation would be needed 22 billion euros in government subsidies. This means that the state would pay another 14.9 billion euros more, which it already pays to the health insurance funds.

Rösler blames the high non-wage labor costs and said he wants to use his measures to stimulate the labor market. But he seems to know that there will be an imbalance, because he announces in the same breath a social compensation from the tax pot for people on low incomes. Additionally it concerns the rebate contracts. Through them, the health insurance funds and with them the insured to save millions of dollars. This should change according to the wishes of the new Federal Government.

At the planned capitation Every legally insured person, ie every adult and spouse, should pay the same contribution. Sums between 170 and 260 euros per month are being discussed, whereby the daily sickness allowance must be insured separately and privately. Although low-income earners are supposed to receive a grant, there is a great danger that certain benefits will have to be extra insured or paid to the doctor. Low earners and Hartz IV recipients must then be satisfied with a "basic supply". The result would be a two-class medicine. A comprehensive care for those who can afford it and a very slimmed down care for patients who only show a low income.

The victims of Black and Yellow's health policy will be primarily low-income and retired families. But also financially the model seems extremely questionable. In addition, however, a crucial component is the dismantling of the welfare state and the resulting social discord. (Naturopath Thorsten Fischer, 17.11.2009)