Uncertainty of seniors may indicate vision problems

Uncertainty of seniors may indicate vision problems / Health News
Uncertainty in old age can be an indication of vision problems
If elderly people have orientation problems, stumble or fall more often or are generally insecure, this may be an indication of diminishing eyesight. The affected person is often unaware of their vision loss. Therefore, it should be above all the relatives that senior citizens have their eyes checked regularly.

Orientation difficulties and uncertainty in old age
For some people, safe walking in old age is not easy. When seniors have problems with orientation, are insecure, stumble or fall, not always alone are dementia, a circulatory disorder or muscle weakness behind it. Rather, it may be that the person concerned does not see so well and so far has not noticed.

If seniors have problems with orientation, are insecure, stumble or fall, this can be an indication of vision problems. From the age of 40 you should have your eyes checked regularly. (Image: mmphoto / fotolia.com)

Many displace the restrictions
Since a loss of vision usually runs creeping, it is initially often not recognized, explains the German Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired (DBSV) in a statement.

As a result, many sufferers get used to it, without consciously perceive the increasing deterioration of their eyesight. Many crowd out the progressing Seheinschränkung as long as possible and hope for spontaneous recovery.

Among other things, because they are afraid of not being allowed to drive because of the restrictions.

"Eye-catching" the vision loss
For all these reasons, eye diseases are often discovered too late in old age - and that can have serious consequences.

Thus, about 4.5 million German citizens are affected by age-related macular degeneration (AMD), which, if left untreated, can lead to blindness.

With early diagnosis, vision can often be preserved.

According to DBSV, it would be advisable to have his eyes checked regularly from the age of 40 years. This also applies to persons who have no complaints. Renal Reymann, president of the DBSV, should better "face" the age-related vision loss.

Attentive relatives who make sure that older people go to the checks can also help. (Ad)