University study impotence by coke and sodas

Cola reduces the sperm count
Regular drinking of lemonade and coke is not very healthy. These drinks affect the health of our teeth and often cause weight gain. Researchers now found yet another good reason why men should drink less soft drinks in the future: Regular consumption seems to lead to erectile dysfunction in men.
Scientists from Nicolaus Copernicus Hospital in Poland found that regular consumption of soft drinks for men is not really recommended. Consuming these drinks can cause erectile dysfunction in men. The physicians published the results of their study in the journal "Central European Journal of Urology" (CEJU).Coke and lemonade are not exactly the healthiest drinks. It has long been known that regular consumption of these drinks can lead to obesity. In addition, there are other dangers for men due to the sugary soft drinks. Researchers found that this increases the likelihood of erectile dysfunction. (Image: tiverylucky /
Consumption of one liter of cola daily drastically reduces the number of sperm
When men drink one liter of cola every day, sperm counts are reduced by as much as 30 percent, according to researchers. The new study examined 2,554 young men who all drank a lot of cola. The subjects were found to have an average sperm count of 35 million per milliliter, while the figure was 56 million sperm per milliliter, if men only occasionally drink some cola, the authors explain.
Caffeine has no effect on the number of spermatozoa
The study also examined whether there is a relationship between caffeine intake and the number of spermatozoa. However, such a connection could not be found, the researchers say. For this reason, the medical profession has assumed that the problem is likely to be caused by another ingredient in the beverage.
Experts warn of erectile dysfunction by coke
The number of sperm is still in a normal range, but the reduction of sperm by such a large percentage could complicate future baby plans. That's why men should probably do without sodas and cola and prefer to switch to water, the authors advise Jan Adamowicz and Tomasz Drewa from Nicolaus Copernicus Hospital. The likelihood of a connection between soft drinks and erectile dysfunction is very high, the experts from Poland add.
What causes cola in our body after 60 minutes?
How much cola harms our body in 60 minutes is ignored by many people today. Impact on fertility probably is expected by very few consumers. However, scientists from the Copenhagen University Hospital also investigated the effects of lemonades on our body in a recent study, and the results coincided with the Polish study. They also came to the conclusion that regular soft drink consumption favors erectile dysfunction.
Introduces sweetener in lemonade to erection problems?
Whether men get an erection depends on many different factors. However, some lemonade ingredients help make it harder for men to get an erection, explain the researchers. Obviously, large amounts of fructose syrup cause the arteries in the man's limb to be damaged. This substance is used as a sweetener in many lemonades, say the doctors.
Reduce your cola consumption
If you occasionally drink a glass of your favorite lemonade, this is unlikely to have any negative side effects on your body. However, the doctors recommend a rethink and a reduced intake, if you regularly consume soft drinks. Alone of Cola consumes about 1.8 billion bottles worldwide every day and there are certainly a lot of men who could improve their sex life if they give up this drink. (As)