Uni-Klinik Essen abandons temporary worker model

Uni-Klinik Essen abandons temporary worker model
After long years of confrontation, the University Hospital Essen abandons its own concept of a temporary employment agency (PSG). For more than five years, unions and the university clinic were arguing about the agency system in the clinic. The service union „ver.di“ had repeatedly criticized the fact that the employed temporary workers received an average of one third less pay for the same job than the regular employees. So far, the clinic has been able to save costs with its in-house model of temporary employment and react flexibly to economic developments.
The head of the board, Eckhard Nagel, at the University Clinic Essen justified the termination of the temporary work with the fact that in the past there had been repeated tensions among the employees within the clinic. Moreover, the concept of internal temporary work would have led to image losses for the clinic.
Clinic temporary workers are taken over?
It seems that everyone employed in the temporary work agency PSG will be included in regular employment. In any case, the comment of the ver.di Landesfachbereichleiterin for Health in NRW points in this direction. Trade unionist Sylvia Bühler commented: „For the 323 people affected this means equal pay for equal work“. However, Bühler also warned the management of the clinic. One should not start now and reduce jobs. Otherwise come threatening „tit for tat“. (sb, 19.11.2010)