Unhealthy diet in Germany's clinics

Nutrition in the hospital often insufficient
Nutrition in German hospitals has so far apparently been so poor that many patients had an increased complication rate due to malnutrition in the healing process. Therefore, the German Nutrition Society (DGE) has now developed new quality standards for hospital meals on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection.
Similar to the already existing regulations for day-care centers, schools, eating-on-wheels, nursing homes and retirement homes, the requirements of the DGE for the clinics should ensure a needs-based and balanced diet. Not only three main meals but additionally at least two snacks are provided to ensure adequate nutrition of the patients. An adaptation of the nutritional guideline is urgently required according to the DGE, since the previous nutrition in many clinics favor a malnutrition of the patients. The nutrition experts criticize not only the quality of the food itself, but also the framework conditions such as the service or the design of the dining areas.
A quarter of patients malnourished on admission
Frequently, patients are already malnourished in the hospital (about 25 percent of hospital patients suffer from underweight) and the insufficient supply of nutrition, the difficulties in the clinics continue, reports the German Nutrition Society. According to the nutrition experts, only about fifty percent of patients eat their lunch completely. The consequences are especially for the already weakened hospital patients increased complication rates, longer stays and more frequent readmission, explains the DGE. Thus, the nutritional problems of patients, the total cost of treatment increased by up to 20 percent. A balanced diet with good framework conditions, according to the DGE supports the recovery of patients and could contribute to the way to a significant reduction in the cost of treatment.
Quality standards for hospital food
In order to support a health-promoting diet of the hospital patients, the DGE sets exact standards for a full and health-promoting full catering on the basis of the current state of science in the quality standards for the clinics. Here are recommendations for an optimal choice of food, the preparation of the food and the service of the staff and the design of the dining areas are given. Also, the number of daily meals is exactly prescribed with three main meals and two snacks. This is to ensure that patients in any case take sufficient nutrients and fluids. Clinics that take into account all the requirements of the German Nutrition Society can be certified by a corresponding seal of quality and may denote the name „Station nutrition“ to lead. As the first hospital in Germany, which has passed an appropriate certification, was recently awarded the Bonn clinic Löwenstein. (Fp)
Picture: Rainer Sturm