Unhealthy vegan mother fed her baby exclusively with berries and nuts

Although vegan nutrition has long been a trend and is considered healthy, it is often discouraged to let young children grow up completely without animal products. A vegan mother was now reported because her 11-month-old baby developed developmental disorders due to diet.
Developmental disorders due to vegan diet
Vegan diet is trendy. Also, the offspring of parents who eat purely vegetable, often lives without animal products. While nutrition and health professionals have plenty of tips on what parents should look for in their kids' vegan diets, some people generally find it a problem when the kids grow up vegan. A recent report from the US confirms the critics: In the state of Pennsylvania developmental disorders were identified in an eleven-month-old child, which may be due to the vegan diet imposed on the baby by the mother.

Baby only got berries and nuts
According to media reports, the 33-year-old mother was a convinced vegan; she wanted her son to grow up as well. But now Elizabeth Hawk was reported for child endangerment. According to a Washington Post report, the woman reportedly fed only her berries and nuts to her eleven-month-old child.
The father, who was separated from the mother, brought the baby to a child and youth welfare center. The child suffered from a rash all over his body, which had caused his skin to be partially scraped off. According to the court records, the father said his former partner was "obsessed" with veganism. Although an ointment had been prescribed because of the rash, but the mother had refused this to the baby.
Child could not crawl yet
According to the newspaper report, a pediatrician in a hospital in neighboring West Virginia examined the child and found that the boy due to his lack of nutrition residues in its development show, for example, he could not crawl yet.
According to the Washington Post, the mother made allergies responsible for the condition of her boy's skin, not the diet. The woman was released, and a court hearing is scheduled for November. The son now lives with his father. "He's fine," his aunt told the local CBS TV station.
Position of German experts
In the "Position on Vegan Nutrition" of the German Society for Nutrition (DGE), a purely herbal diet for infants, children, adolescents, pregnant women and nursing mothers is not recommended. In principle, care must be taken to ensure adequate intake of energy, protein, long-chain n-3 fatty acids, iron, calcium, iodine, zinc, riboflavin, vitamin B12 and vitamin D. However, this requires special knowledge of food selection and preparation or ensuring the supply of fortified foods or supplements.
Risk of severe neurological disorders
"If breastfeeding patients eat vegan or macrobiotic supplements and are not taking supplements, there is a risk of severe neurological disorders and developmental delays for the child," the DGE writes in a briefing. "The risk is further increased if the infant's diet is continued without animal food," it continues. "Therefore, infants and children should not be vegan-fed, according to the European Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (ESPGHAN)."
Balanced nutrition could be taught at school
The German Federal Nutrition Minister Christian Schmidt (CSU) has spoken out against a vegan diet for children. He called for a school subject that taught balanced nutrition. In Italy, even a bill was announced, which provides, inter alia, long prison sentences for the parents of vegan-nourished children. (Ad)