Infertility through receipts and receipts

Infertility through receipts and receipts
The thermal paper for receipts and receipts contains the hormone-damaging substance bisphenol-A, which can lead to reproductive disorders. The dangerous substance has been much more widespread than previously thought, according to Swedish researchers from the Jegrelius Institute.
Bisphenol A widely used
Frequent contact with the thermal paper of receipts and other receipts therefore entails much greater risks than previously assumed. The thermal paper contains dangerously high concentrations of the chemical bisphenol A (BPA), which is hormone-damaging and can lead to reproductive impairment. „The analyzed receipts contain on average 1.5 percent BPA“, said the environmental chemist from the Swedish Jegrelius Institute, Tomas Östberg. A new study by his institute showed that airline, train and bus tickets, parking tickets, labels or bank statements also contain BPA, making the substance far more widespread than previously assumed.
In addition, BPA is easily soluble and transferable in contact with the environment. The contact of persons or objects with the thermal paper is sufficient to contaminate them with BPA. For example, receipts and receipts in the wallet automatically result in a BPA charge on the notes. From the human organism becomes „BPA (...) is mainly absorbed by food, but this alone does not explain the values found in the human body“, explained Tomas Östberg. According to the expert, much indicates „indicates that the handling of receipts contributes greatly to this“, that the loads are correspondingly high. The thermal paper of receipts and receipts is charged a thousand times more than, for example, pacifiers made of polycarbonate, which have already been banned in several countries because of the health risk, emphasized Östberg. The BPA-containing coating in the thermal paper ensures that the paper discolors when heated, so no toner is needed when printing.
BPA impairs fertility
The hormone damaging effects of BPA have been found in animal studies in which large doses of BPA caused sterility and late sexual maturity. It has also been observed here that the substance, even at a lower concentration, can have effects on the nervous system, the prostate and the urethra. In addition, possible pre-stages of prostate and breast cancer were detected in the experimental animals. Thus, the current results of the Jegrelius Institute for the Swedish Trade Union of Trade Employees are more than worrisome. „It is totally unacceptable for our members to deal with toxic substances daily that can cause hormonal imbalances“, explained association leader Lars-Anders Häggström. According to the demands of the union, the hormone-damaging BPA-containing thermal paper should be dispensed with immediately.
Legal regulation required
Some time ago, the first reports on the health risk of BPA were published in receipts and receipts, and some retailers responded promptly and switched to bisphenol-free paper. Whereby the „only difference is that it is more expensive“according to the lawyer in the industry association, Martina Elfgren Lilja. However, most companies are waiting for an EU decision before they can afford to pay more on their own initiative. Sweden wants to strengthen its position in the forthcoming decision on lower limits or a total ban, said Swedish Environment Minister Andreas Carlgren, adding that the new study „alarming“ and clarify the need for a broad ban. Tomas Östberg explained that a survey of supermarket cashiers revealed that the burden here is often very close to the limit set by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) of 0.05 mg per kilo of body weight. This value is already not scientific but „politically determined“. Several experts, as well as environmental and consumer protection associations, had already protested vigorously three years ago, when EFSA's limit of tolerance was increased fivefold.
Also Federal Environmental Agency warns against BPA
On the basis of current research findings, the Federal Environment Agency (UBA) in Germany also warns against contact with BPA products. In addition, Dr. Andreas Gies of the UBA in conversation with the magazine "parents" the industry to a complete BPA waiver on. BPA has been relatively widespread and used in many plastics such as baby bottles and food packaging, and as a coating in cans and cans. However, the authorities in Germany have not been able to agree on a ban on the substance. Even explicitly targeted at children legal regulations that prohibit the use of BPA in products for children, as in Denmark or France, could not be enforced in this country so far. However, many manufacturers offer (...) BPA-free plastic objects and mark them“ with hints like ´BPA-free´, explained Dr. Gies. „Conversely, polycarbonate-containing products containing BPA are usually on a sign stamped in an arrow triangle ´7 pcs´ However, according to the expert, anyone who wants to have absolute security against BPA-containing packaging should switch completely to glass and porcelain, but this does not protect them from contact with BPA through the thermal paper of receipts and receipts. fp, 19.10.2010)
Also read:
Bisphenol-A causes infertility in women
Hormone-active chemicals threaten health
Federal Environmental Agency warns of chemical bisphenol A
Dangerous substances in soft drinks
Chemical bisphenol A found on receipts
Bisphenol-A causes infertility in women
Picture credits: Harald Wanetschka.